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After sitting in the apartment for a little while watching television, Winter decides to make her way to the bedroom. She notices her wonderful keyboard and immediately sits down, stretching her hands out in front of her.

She presses a key and then proceeds to go into a particular tune on the piano keys. It isn't long before she realises the tune as You & I by One Direction. The chords are played with a smile as she notices that without this song on the set list, she may not have grabbed the attention of the guys at the table. She owed Isaac a lot as he was the one who decided on putting it in the list in the first place.

Her hands move swiftly across the keys, enjoying the way the music was being produced. She started to worry about the volume of the keyboard, thinking it may be too loud for her neighbours. But after a few seconds, she stops worrying. People had been blessed with the ability to make amazing music so should not ruin the opportunity of doing such.

The song comes to an end but she doesn't feel like making her performance come to an end also. She decides to start playing Fireproof by One Direction and although she had only learned to play it a few weeks ago, she had already mastered it. It was her favourite song from their newest album. Yes, she had listened to their albums but she didn't find it weird in the slightest. She was merely just supporting the work of her ex-boyfriend.

Her hands finally come to a completed halt and she closes her book containing sheet music that was propped up on top of the piano. She then stands up, beaming crazily before deciding to go the bathroom.

Once there, she turns the faucet of the bath; beginning to fill the bathtub with water. She takes her favourite bubble bath bottle from the shelf above her and disperses some into the water. The room immediately fills with the scent of lavender.

Winter then undresses herself before lowering herself into the water after turning the faucet off. The warm water hits her skin and she sighs in relief. Relaxation is needed for her aching muscles.

She takes this time as a way to think about the last 15 hours. It had been wild for her. The nerves of performing to the restaurant, realising that her love was there and meeting him again had all built up and were only beginning to leave once her and Harry had entered the grand hotel.

The hours may have came as a surprise to her but she undeniably loved every minute of them. Maybe her life was just destined to take various twists and turns. And surprisingly, she now welcomed that idea. After all, a thrilling life is much better than a boring one.

Her lips were pulled into the thousandth smile of the past 24 hours as she pulled herself lower into the water, it coming to her chin.

At that moment, she realised that a life without Harry was a life that was unwanted to her.

Harry gets to the middle of Dirty Dancing before deciding to turn it off, the battery becoming low. He puts it back into his bag before gazing out of the window to the clouds surrounding them.

"Shall we play a game?" Niall announces, looking around the airplane.

Liam and Sophia both had headphones on and were fast asleep. Louis and I nodded.

"Okay, lets play I Spy." Niall suggested, earning another nod from the both of us. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will!" Louis announces and Niall chuckles. "Okay, I spy with my little eye, something beginning with D."

Niall erupts into laughter and Louis rolls his eyes. "Dirty minded idiot." He comments to Niall who was still laughing. Harry just grins wildly.

Piano [harry styles]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن