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She stretched her hands out in a professional way before positioning them over the keys. The room wasn't silent but she didn't need it to be. The room having noise sort of comforted her more than scared her as she wasn't the focus of attention. She just had to pretend that she wasn't being scrutinised and that she was back in her bedroom at the apartment, playing her heart out to nobody. Yes, that's all she had to do, it was simple really.

Her eyes searched the set list in front of her and she smiled as her fingers began to play the first few notes of While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles. She moved her body slightly with each note, feeling it wash through her refreshingly. Both of her hands move different ways but she had mastered it. The music flowed and the noise of her surroundings lessened until only a few voices could be heard talking. Either they had started serving dinner or she was actually playing in a good way. She decided to choose the latter option as her hands danced across the keys, her digits pressing them down in the order only making sense in a pianist's mind.

The deep and high notes contrasted while also helping each other in the melody being performed by Winter. At that moment, it was just her and the melody. Nothing else. Nobody else. She couldn't believe that the music was coming from the piano due to her, it felt as though there was a speaker beside her playing the awe-inspiring harmony.

This song was one of the main songs that Winter listened to when she had split with her ex-boyfriend so it brought back tears willing to be set free on her cheeks. She allowed them to, though. A major part of making music was to feel emotion so she would not disallow a few tears to leave, even if it threatened to ruin her makeup. It made her feel human for a moment and she liked it.

The song comes to an end and Winter is breath taken when a majority of the audience clap, some even on their feet for her applause. She didn't know how to react so she just bowed her neck slightly while turning around to see the audience.

She gazes back to her piano rapidly, eager to carry on her set list. Her next song was another Beatles number, Isaac was obviously a fan. It was The Long and Winding Road.

The song was actually her last partner's favourite Beatles song but she pushed it to the back of her mind as she began to play it. After a few more notes, she couldn't help but to think of him. The way he once sang this into her hair when they were curled up in bed, holding each other. The hurt she feels when she thinks of this makes her apply more pressure to the pressing of keys. It seems more meaningful to pour her heart into a piece of music like this. She wanted him to see her now, she was doing just fine without him. He would be surprised to see how good she was at playing piano now that she had mastered it. Maybe he would wish to be hers again. But she wasn't counting on it, she didn't even believe that she was doing fine. She felt broken.

It was 19:10 when Harry eventually arrived, with a whining Jessica, to the restaurant. He admired the way that the restaurant looked while walking to the reservation waiter.

"Reservation under Payne." He tells the waiter and he nods in return.

"Oh yes, you must be Styles. Everybody is here. Follow me." He walks ahead of them and they follow to the table.

Their table was almost directly in the middle but he liked it. Niall was sitting beside Louis, who was beside Sophia and Liam. He perched in the seat next to Liam while Jessica took the one beside Niall, unlucky for Niall. Harry's seat was facing the magnificent stage. He gazed at the artwork on the walls and the old-fashioned design of the place. He really liked it.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." Sophia says before pecking Liam on his cheek.

"I'll use the ladies room too." Jessica spoke up and followed Sophia like a lost puppy.

It was just the four boys fixed at the table then.

"Styles?" Liam gains his attentions, "Do you truly like her?" He doesn't even have to think about his answer.

"No, I don't."

"Harry, you need to stop the relationship and find somebody who you really love. It's wasting the precious time of your life where you could find your true love. I know that I've found mine." Liam informs and Harry nods.

Little did he know, Harry had found his but had stupidly let her slip from his hold easily. He would regret that for the rest of his life.

Harry was so engrossed in the conversation that he couldn't listen to the piano playing his favourite Beatles song on the stage, The Long and Winding Road, which disappointed him. He just wanted to listen to the way the pianist was playing it but he didn't have time to even glance at the stage just once during the conversation.

"I totally agree, Liam. She's just using you for money anyway, Harry." Louis speaks up and Harry agrees with everything they are saying. He just hasn't got the guts to split from somebody like Jessica. He knows that it wouldn't be easy. The toughest part for him would be finding a new love, as he had already found it and he would never have a second chance.

He blew it.

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