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Winter enjoyed her sleep in the hotel room's lovely-scented sheets and her head was against the softest pillow she had ever encountered. Her hair was sprawled messily around her and her arms were draped next to her. The breaths escaping her fairly open mouth were deep and her eyes were closed tightly. It had seemed like years since she could sleep peacefully and she could definitely see the difference between this relaxing slumber and the dreadful others of the past eight months.

The sleep was cut short, however, when she started to faintly hear a deep voice.

"Winter, I'm sorry but you need to get up now." Wait. Was that- Was that Harry's voice?

Her eyes immediately fluttered awake and her mouth hung wide open. Before she could question it, memories of the night before came flooding back and she didn't panic when realising that she was naked underneath the snowy duvet. She relieved herself of the stressful tension when her shoulders began to relax again.

"Hey." Her eyes met the emerald ones that were perched beside her on the bed. He looked outrageously handsome in the morning, his hair went in every direction and his eyes looked needy of sleep.

"Hello." She replies and suddenly felt the awkwardness of the situation, sitting up. Her eyes scanned the floor in need of clothes.

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I need to get to the airport soon for a flight to Philadelphia, it's where our next show is." He explains, his voice low and raspy. Winter nods, giving a small grin. She couldn't help but feel strange at that moment, she didn't know how to act. "Oh and I found some of Jessica's clothes, urm, that she left. They're here." He stutters slightly before placing a pile of all black clothes next to her.

"Thank you. I'm just going to take a shower." Winter states while pulling one of the shirts over her and standing up, padding to the bathroom.

It was nice to have a moment to herself after being with Harry for a few hours, even if it was only a five minute shower. She needed to comprehend all that had happened but, frankly, her brain and her hangover were not wanting to. Her final decision was to just simply let everything be. She dried herself with a crisp towel before dressing into an ebony shirt, black leggings that were slightly baggy. A huff escapes her mouth when she realises that she has no other shoes with her, only her heels that had already created damage on her feet the previous evening.

When she leaves the bathroom, she can't help but to ask, "Harry? What did last night mean?" Harry was now fully dressed in a plain shirt and black jeans.

"I- I don't know." He answers meaningfully and she nods to disguise how her heart sinks. Was he basically saying that it wasn't much of a big deal to him as it was to Winter?

"Okay." Her voice was now small.

She turns to step away but not before Harry confidently latches onto her wrist and pulls her closer to his body. Her face is in shock as her wraps his arms around her and engulfs her into an enormous hug. She holds him tightly too and his face is in the comforting crook of her neck. They hold each other for a while before eventually pulling away.

"I've always loved you." He states and her eyes light up. Her facial features becoming ablaze in seconds. A grin stretches across her full lips.

"I've always loved you, Harry." She replies and he wonders why he ever felt nervous around her. The moment finishes within a few more seconds and Winter steps away to grab her dress that was draped over blank cabinet.

"Oh, and Winter?" Her gleaming eyes meet with his again and he opens his mouth to speak once more. "It meant everything."

It is fifteen minutes later and they are both leaving the hotel room. Harry feels like Niall for a moment, having to gaze around the whole room in case of forgotten belongings. Winter chuckles at his actions of peering under the bed and in the bathroom.

"Hey, at least I know that I won't forget anything." He playfully comments after hearing her laugh.

"That's very true, Harold." She states, "Oh, I had almost forgotten to call for a cab."

"No, no. Don't order a shitty cab, I'll organise for a good car to come and pick you up instead." His hand swipes the card through the mechanical thing next to the door until he hears a beep, locking it. He then reaches into his hand to grab his phone and they both begin to stroll through the corridor to the elevator at the end of it.

"A good car?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, one of good quality that doesn't have a high possibility of smelling bad like some cabs." He smirks while pulling his suitcase behind him.

"Oh." She mumbles with a smile.

The elevator doors open and they step in. Memories of being in the elevator yesterday enter both of their minds and they can't help but to glance at each other and break into laughter. Harry presses the ground floor button and it begins to travel downwards. The elevator takes less time than they both wanted. Winter couldn't really believe that she was about to say goodbye. Before the elevator has halted, Harry uses the mobile in his hand to ring somebody and arrange for Winter to get picked up in the next twenty minutes. Winter is taken aback by the speed of his call but he just smirks to her yet again.

When they exit the elevator, they are both preparing themselves for the farewell ahead.

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