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After pondering over memories for a small while, Winter decides to get some practise before the show later that day. She grins while strolling to her favourite seat in whole wide world, the antique brown one tucked under the piano in her bedroom. Her body automatically savours the moment of perching on the seat and stretching her hands, preparing to glide across the keys.

Her fingers touch the keys swiftly and it's a matter of a time before she is playing one of her most favourite songs. While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles. Her digits touch the high notes tenderly before being more forcefully on the low ones. She begins to think about him and how he would sit next to her when she was first learning to play piano. He would watch her in awe, like a child on their birthday. He was a large fan of making music himself so hearing the notes fly from the piano because of her beautiful movements amazed him in a peculiar way.

Winter believed that everybody had their own unique calling in life. Some were destined to be singers, others destined to be writers while many were destined to be athletes. She decided that her calling was playing piano. A melting pot of emotions in her body grew from when her hands first felt a piano up until the piano was blasting with breathtaking rhythms and melodies. She believed that anybody could express themselves better in music than in speaking words; even just the notes of a piano or guitar.

Throughout her practise, she almost pleaded her mind to rid the thoughts of the one she loved, who obviously did not have the same emotions towards her. She wished he loved her, oh, how she wished he loved her too. But he didn't and she had to face the fact that it had been 8 months now so time had slipped from her fingers. She would never get it back. That fact alone broke her heart.

But she expressed this pain, not through grief or crying her already-cracked heart out. No, she expressed it by the notes leaving her piano as she pressed every key down with all her might. When she had let out as much emotion as possible, she would be lighter with her digits, making the melody become softer and less dramatic. She thrived from the dynamics available to her, she was in control of whether she wanted the tune to be dangerous and beautiful.

It turned to 14:41 and she decided to have a break from playing piano, strolling to her tiled kitchen and taking a crystal glass from her oak cupboard, filling it with water. She latched her hand around it as she exited the kitchen and entered her lounge, making her way to the enormous window covering most of the wall.

She peered out of it, gazing at the skyline filled with skyscrapers and bustling streets. While looking at all of these wonders, she could not help but to ask herself, where was he? He was probably on the opposite side of the world right now, so very far away. She would never admit to thinking about him at that moment, she always seemed strong to her acquaintances and that would let her guard down tremendously. But she was by herself. So for once, it was okay.

"We need to go." Niall announces to Harry, putting his phone away and sipping the rest of his coffee.

"Why?" Harry questions him.

"We need to go suit shopping for tonight and then, to the studio for an hour to record a new song for the album." Niall informs him and he nods at his words.

They both finish in the coffee shop and pace to the suit fitting shop a few blocks away. Niall spots it first and Harry gets a proper look at it. It was a small, brick place with black window frames. Niall and Harry both simultaneously step to it. Harry enters first. "This place is recommended." Niall whispers to Harry.

"Why, hello there! What can I do for you guys today?" The blonde-haired lady behind the counter beamed to the boys as soon as they entered.

"Two suits, please." Niall speaks for a sceptical Harry.

"Follow me, dears. I have some lovely suits back here." She informs and Harry makes Niall lead the way. He knew how awkward Harry could be at times so he just shrugged the behaviour away from his concerns.

The lady gave them some suits to try on. Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he thought that the lady would have went back to the counter but he was wrong. When he exited the changing room, she was still fixed there. She gave him another strangely large beam and he just awkwardly gave her a half smile.

"Well, don't you just look wonderful!" She exclaims, stepping towards Harry. Niall was still getting dressed in his fitting room. The woman suddenly grabs Harry's arm and he feels uncomfortable with the interaction, "You know, I love a man with such big muscles."

This was his most hated situation to be contained in. He hated when people thought that they could act any way around him. She was mindlessly flirting with him and didn't seem phased by it.

She moved her lips closer to his ear, still clutching his arm and he gulped, "It makes me wonder what else is big." She whispers seductively and he wants to vomit right there and then. He moves his arm away from her and she shoots him a glare. She was in her late thirties, he could tell. Wrinkles were indented on her face and her eyeliner must have been messily drawn in two seconds.

"What do you think you're doing?" Niall's voice booms, raised slightly, from the open fitting room and Harry sighs in relief.

"Are you speaking to me?" The woman questions, defensively in false alarm.

"Yes. Don't say that to my friend." He orders, he seems offended. She just looks embarrassed. "You know that's sexual harassment so you're basically breaking a law."

"Well- I just- I just wanted to." She stutters badly, unable to finish her sentence. "I'll be in the other room." The woman exits and Harry grins gratefully to his friend.

"Thank you for that, Niall." He says, immediately and Niall nods understandingly.

"Don't mention it." Niall smiles to him and Harry realises just how happy he was to have a friend like him.

"So, what do you think about the suit?" Harry asks his blond-haired friend.

"It looks great, I'm sure Wi- I mean, Jessica- will love it." Niall stutters and Harry feels the pain of the words in his chest. He just nods towards Niall.

They both get dressed back into the outfits they were wearing before and awkwardly pay the lady for the suits.

He didn't know about Niall but Harry was pacing out of there in the quickest speed he could. What happened between him and the woman plus thinking about his wonderful ex-girlfriend was sending his mind into overdrive, along with his heart. He hated it. He wanted nothing more than to go back to his hotel room and get lost in the bed sheets, preferably with a special person by his side. But he knew that it wasn't possible for that to happen anymore.

Piano [harry styles]Where stories live. Discover now