Update (:

452 18 11

Why hello there beautiful human being<3

I know that I've said I'll continue writing on this story and that I'll try to post more, but I kind of feel like I don't have the spark in me anymore, (to write this exact story!) but I feel like I would let you guys down.. Idk.. I just don't know what to write about anymore and the chapters are so short and I want it to be better than it is and yeah, I kind of need your guys help, should I continue, or should I just end this story and start another one, maybe there will be a sequel to this story after a while... But I want you guys to make the final vote on this, so please comment.

I love you guys (especially the ones who have been here from the first chapter) <3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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Brent Rivera, Long distance (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now