Chapter 15; Shocking surprise

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I just ate and went early to sleep after I talked to Brent and Chris, so when I woke up I went out of bed straight away so I wouldn't be lazy today.

So I took a shower and got ready for the day! (Outfit on my polyvore)

I went downstairs, but only to see many cops and Sofia crying by the kitchen Island.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

One of the cops came up to me and asked.

"Are you Melissa Faith Gold?" He looked at some papers in his hands.

"Yes, I am, what are you doing here, and why is Sofia crying?" I asked walking towards Sofia, I hugged her and she kept saying 'I'm so sorry baby girl, I'm so sorry'

"What's going on?" I questioned the cop behind us.

"I'm so sorry to say that your parents, was in a plane crash, and did not survive, so after reading these papers, they are putting you in Sophia's custody.." He trailed of after he watched my expression.

"What the heck, is this some sick joke?! DO YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY? CAUSE IT'S NOT!" I screamed the last part running up the stairs too my bedroom.

I slammed my door and locked it, I can't believe this, are my parents really dead? I'm never going to see them again? This isn't happening.

After the realisation hit me, I broke down, I started to scream and cry my lungs out.

There was banging coming from my door but I ignored it, I didn't want to talk to anybody right now.

I feel so empty.

Like a part of me is gone.

This is not real life, I have to be dreaming.

I cried som more and climbed up in my bed. I lied there crying for what felt like hours. The banging and kicking had stopped.

I drifted up to a sleep and woke up an hour later, with Alissa by my side.

I looked her in the eyes and started to cry again. I know me and my parents never really talked, and they weren't around much, but they were still my parent, they will always be my parents.

"You should call Brent.." Alissa whispered as she was holding around me comforting me.

"I can't, what if I start to cry again, I don't want him to miss his family time.." I cried a bit more.

I really want to have him here, it would be easier, but he's not, and I'm not gonna be selfish and make him take a flight here.

"Ok, but can I call Brice and tell him the news?" Ali asked.

"Yeah, sure.. Why not" I said getting out of our hug.

She dialled Brice's number, and started talking to him, giving him the information that we were told.

"I don't know, she didn't want to call him... Because she didn't want to be selfish.." I heard, I knew they were talking about me and Brent, but it's true, I didn't want to be selfish and make him come her, he would be here in six days anyways..

"Ok, bye, I love you too" Alissa smiled a bit.

"Wait, you guys still together? I thought you broke up" I asked.

"We did, for like a month or so, but we made up, and now we have been dating for three weeks" she offered me a little forced smile.

I just nodded, and told her I wanted to watch a movie, although I didn't pay much attention to the movie, the time still went fast, and then the movie was finished.

It was now midnight, I had been in my room all day and not being able to talk to Sofia or the cops, Ali had gone home like five minutes ago, but I felt kind of hungry so I tipped toed down stairs.

I didn't see anybody, so I went to the kitchen and opened the pantry, I grabbed a bag of chips, and made myself a sandwich, I also grabbed a can of dr.pepper. And sat down by the kitchen counter.

When I finished eating, the door swung open and I jumped of my chair because it scared me. When I saw who came through the door I let out a breath of relief.

It was Sofia, she had a suitcase... That looked familiar, and it's not hers... It's..

"Brent!!" I called as he walked through the door.

I ran up to him jumping for him to hold me, he held me in his arms as tears kept running down my face.

"I love you so so much" he said with his face buried in my shoulder.


What did you guys think of the plot twist? Well, I felt like it was a plot twist..


And btw, I did t get to write as much as I wanted this summer, so I'm sorry about that, but ideas have plopped in my head so I have tons of inspiration, so it won't be that hard to write(:


And R.I.P Robin Williams❤️

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