Chapter 18; A day and night I wont soon forget..

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In the movie theatre we met Ali and here cousins, but she understood that we wanted to be alone, so she gave me and Brent some privacy, and promised to swing by tomorrow.

"I love you, you know that?" I mumbled into Brent's shoulder as we were watching the movie half way into it.

"I know" he smiled. "Did you know that .. You have popcorn in your hair?" He said getting popcorn out of my hair, we couldn't stop giggling after that.

When the movie finished we wanted to walk home, but before we left I had to go to the toilet. And as I was sitting (I almost wrote sh!tting) on the toilet, I herd two other girls walking in, and they were talking about Brent.. And me.. For a moment there it kind of creeped me out, but then I remember, ahh! We're kinda internet famous! So I listened to them talk about us, and when I went to wash my hands, I swear one of the girls needed a toilet by the look on here face.

I walked out of there after taking pictures with them, I was giggling to myself when I approached Brent, he had his back turned to me so I jumped on his back laughing.

"I haven't heard that laugh in a while" Brent smiled while holding on to me.

I just smiled in return and whispered in his ear "let's do something fun tonight" I smirked.

So if you didn't know, me and Brent have been dating for eight months (let's just say that ok) and were both sixteen, so, I know what y'all are thinking what we possibly did that night, it was fun, very hot for some reason, and tiring.

We went to a party!!!!! What else would we do?

It was Ali's party, Brice had surprised her at home so they decided to have a party, just for fun.

So I got ready, with Brent, and when we arrived at the party, the music was loud, and people were filling the yard and there was toilet paper all over the roof and trees. So me and Brent just walked inside, and it pulled Brent to the dance floor and started to dance to the beat of the music.

"You know, if you keep doing that I'm gonna have to drag you upstairs and..." Brent trailed of, to shy to continue.

"And do what with me?" I asked smirking. I surprised myself at how confident I was, I guess I just wanted to have fun again.

So he dragged me upstairs pushing past all the people, until we found a bedroom that no one was in, and Brent hurried me inside and locked the door.

"Do you want to do this?" He asked coming towards me and holding me by my waist and kissing my neck.

"Mhm.." I nodded tilting my head a little giving home more access.

"Are you sure?" He asked one last time.

I held his face, looked into his eyes and said "stop asking questions and just do it already, I wouldn't have came up here with you if I didn't want this just as much as you" and then I kissed him as he led me to the bed...

And it was quite a night if you ask me..

_________________OK! So some people that I know, reads this story, and they know who I am writing this story, and I know that Brent and Melissa are only sixteen, cause I know that you know what they did, if you know what I mean.... But it's a story, and I mean.. It was gonna happen one time in the story, so why not now you know?

Brent Rivera, Long distance (fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz