Chapter 17; Doing something outside the house.

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So basically after what happened to Melissa's parents, she hasn't really been out of the house doing much, I mean, she went to the funeral, but after that she completely isolated herself, she locked herself in her bedroom and has been there the last six days. I never went back home because my family said I needed to be here with her, not that I wanted to go back home and leave her here alone, well, not alone, but you know what I mean.

I decided I would make her some brownies, and surprise her, as I was walking up the stairs, I could here her cry..

"Melissa, it's me... Brent, I've got something that might sheer you up a little bit.." I said.

There was a long silence, but she finally opened the door, and her face was pale, and she had mascara all down here cheeks. As we walked to her bed I put the brownies on her desk and sat down beside her.

I side hugged her, and she put her legs on my lap and sniffled a bit. "How you doing?" I asked her.

How you doing? Seriously Brent, she's obviously miserable! How can-..

"Brent, can we go to the movies? Just me and you?" She asked removing her head from my shoulders and looking me straight in the eyes. I kissed her and then said, "of course, what movie do you wanna watch?"

"Uhm, the maze runner?" She asked. I just nodded and gave her a long hug.

"I'm gonna take a shower and change" she said after a while.

"Ok, I'll check when the movie begins" I said to her as she walked to the bathroom.

While I was checking the times on when we could watch the movie. Chris texted me.

C: Hey man, how is she?

B: She's not good, but she tries to do stuff to not think about it.. How are you?

C: Are you seriously asking me how I'm doing? How are you, how is she, what are you doing, this is about her and you man, don't think about how I'm doing, think about her, be there for her ok? She needs you the most right now.

B: Alright, alright, thanks man, I know I can count on you.

C: No problem.

"Ok, when does the movie begin?" She said as she walked out of the bathroom fully clothed on sweatpants and a hoodie.

"At 9, so we better get going" I said and grabbed her hand.



OMFG, I've missed you guys like crazy!! I'm so so sorry, I haven't posted anything, and it know I say that every time, but I seriously mean it, I've just been busy, lazy stuff has happend and yea, so it has left me with so little time to write, and I'm going on this camp thing soon, so I'll try to write a bit at nights? Or on the flight.

And thank you so much for every single vote! I can't explain how much it means to me!

Brent Rivera, Long distance (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now