Day 1: 🕸🕷A spider scare🕷🕸

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Ships: Lander, tiny bit of Jailey
Ages: Luke 19, Zander 19
Zanders POV~

It's the 1st of of October and everyone is getting excited. I can't lie and say Im not excited because of course I am. Luke wants to wear matching costumes this year as we are taking Bethy trick or treating. Im not so sure if I want to but I will if Luke really wants too I will.

Luke's over at my house for tonight as he's sleeping over. We are gonna move out together in two months so we want to get used to it by hanging over at each others houses all the time.
I'm cuddled up into him while we are watching a halloween film. We are watching one of the ghostbusters, I can't remember if it's the first or second one as I always get them mixed up. Luke's laying his head on mine and it feels so warm and comfortable.

We are in our pyjamas. I'm wearing the ones luke bought me plus his hoodie and he's wearing the ones I bought him. He said he would wear my hoodie but it is way to small for him. I find it adorable that he would wanna wear it though. I look over to see the clock. On its face it reads, "22:54".

"Everything alright honey,", Luke asks me.
"Yeah just a little late that's all,", I reply.
"The films only got 30 minutes left,", he says with the remote still in his hand after checking the time left, "Think you can wait that long?".
I nod and snuggle back in, lying my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and we get back to watching the film.

15 minutes left of the film I look down to see the bedding. But there wasnt just bedding.
"SPIDER!", I jump out of the bed in fear.

"It's alright baby,", Luke says, "I'll get it". He grabs a piece of paper and a glass jar. My boyfriend picks up the glass and turns it upside down to catch the spider. He quickly caught it and slides the piece of paper under the jar.

I didn't realise I was still screaming until Hailey shouts, "Can you shut up Zander, I'm busy calling Jake and your really loud. Also you might wake Bethy up.".
"ITS NOT MY FAULT ITS SO BIG!", I scream back.
"Yeah and it's not mine or Jakes fault either,", she smartly replies, "Anyways I bet it's not even that big.".
"IT IS THOUGH COME SEE YOURSELF,", I shout back at her.
"Fine I will,", she replies back.

-Two minutes later-

I see the blue haired girl at my door, phone in her hand. Her phone case was clear with a picture of her and Jake on it. Jake and her have been dating for 2 years. Hailey didn't really wanna tell people at first but as soon as she told Luke she found it easier. I'm gonna be honest when she first told me about their relationship I wasn't the happiest about it. After a while though I got used to it. I'm glad Jake got nicer and now Id say i would call him a friend, not a bully. The photo was of when it was when it was Christmas last year and me, Luke, her and Jake went on a double date to this bowling alley. It was quite fun and I'm pretty sure Luke won. Hailey was wearing one of jakes hoodies which looked massive on her. It practically ate her up but that's beside the point.

By the time me and Hailey were shouting at eachother between the two rooms, Luke had caught the spider and it was "chilling" in the glass. Hailey walks into the room to inspect it.
"Thats tiny,", she exclaims, "You can barely see it.". She flips her camera on Snapchat around so Jake can see the spider too. I look at the top of her screen and they'd been calling for 4 hours and 26 minutes.
"Zander,", the peach boy says, "I have to say, that spider is pretty small.".
"Shut up sterling,", I reply, "It's not my fault I have arachnophobia.".

"Baby you should of heard him when we went camping when we were twelve,", Hailey tells Jake, "He properly screamed didn't he Luke?".
"I can't say he didn't,", my boyfriend chuckles.
"Sorry honey,", he says giving me a kiss on the lips. "It was a little funny though.".

We all start laughing and Luke goes outside to put the spider away. When he comes back, Hailey had gone of to her room to call Jake still. I was lying bed so he came over and joined me. He cuddled in and turned the tv off.
"Goodnight boo,", he whispers in my ear.
"Goodnight babe,", I reply whispering "Love you".
"Love you too", he says then pulls me into a passionate kiss. I love this man so much <3333

Just gonna say it may be 0:11 at midnight. Just 11 minutes into October but I want to publish this so here we are. The first one-shot of this book. I've written a few more just to be prepared. I think i only have a few sentences to write on Princess for chapter 12 to be out so that might be soon. Also check my TikTok: A_dorkable126    to find out more about my other books and uploads. I will be writing another book in about January I think because I want to focus on Princess throughout November - December. Bye guys and I hope you enjoy tomorrows story

950 words

Countdown to Halloween- Tmf one-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ