Day 30: trick or treat pt2 (future gen)

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People: Ljsm + Kids
Ages: same as pt1 (work it out)
Chloe's POV~

Aunt Milly is the last one out of the house and closes the door.
"Zander, Luke, some one come and lock the door please,", she asks.
Luke comes to the door and locks the house.

"Which street we going?", Uncle Sean asks.
"Autumn Drive then Leafton and then maybe Hilton?", My dad suggests, "Then we can come back here.".
"Sounds good,", Uncle Luke smiles.

We all start walking.Us kids in front (except the younger ones) and then the adults in the back. I was swinging my bucket of my leg while talking to my friends. We get to the first house and Katie runs up to the front step.

-Knock Knock-

While she's waiting the rest of us stand on the steps while my parents, uncles and aunties stand behind us. The people open the door.

"Trick or treat!", we exclaim.
"Wow! We have some great outfits here,", the lady says.
"Let's see. We've got fluttershy, and o we've got a zombie bridesmaid. Also a little dinosaur,", while she guessed the outfits she gave the person she said a sweet, "Ooh you are Hermione and we've got barbie. And we have a Skeleton! And you are a devil.".

We go to about 75 houses before arriving at Uncle Luke's again.
"My arms hurt of carrying so many sweets!", Taylor exclaims dragging her bag against the floor.
"I'll carry your bag,", her mam says grabbing her bag.


We are home after being at Uncle Luke's for a little. George gets ready for bed while me and dad count my sweets out.

"123, 124, 125, 126!", we count.
"Finally,", my dad sighs, "We are done.".
"You can have some if you want?", I tell him.
"How about we watch a film and eat them while watching it,", he suggests.
"Yes!", I scream, "I'm choosing it!".
"You do that while I get your mam and get us some diet cokes,", he smiles.

I walk into the sitting room and turn the tv on. I click on Netflix and choose Nativity because it's the best film! Obviously. It's never to early for Christmas.

Tomorrow is the last day 😭

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