Day 21: 🎉Birthday party pt2!🎉

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Ships: Ljsm + Platonic Milo and Bethany
            (mainly Jailey)
Ages: Same as pt1
Warning: Alcohol, if you do not like this please skip this day.!
Jake's POV~

"SUPRISE!", everyone jumps from behind the table.
"AHHH,", the birthday boy screams, "Phew it's only yous, I thought we were getting robbed.".
"Suprise party is a go!", Milly shouts.
"I'll start the music!", my girlfriend exclaims.
"Bethy let's get some drinks,", my brother tugs at her arm, dragging her to the kitchen.

"Happy really early birthday,", I smile going up to the couple near by me.
"Thanks,", the shorter one replies.
"What are you planning?",I act as if I didn't know what was happening.
"We are going to place I've been wanting to go for awhile,", he answered me, "Anyways weren't you there when it got booked.".
"Oh I w-was there,", I stuttered, "I was just upstairs finishing some work off.".
"Ah right,", he nods, understanding what I made up entirely.

"Hey guys let's get this party going!", Hailey's says coming over to me, jumping up and down, "Let's dance.". She grabs my hand and whisks me to the dance floor.
"Calm down Hailey,", I chuckle, "I do want a child you know?". She laughs back at my statement.

We dance for a little, everyone joining in; even Milo and Bethany. It was so much fun. It got to a point where it got boring though so I went and got a drink. This is where it all started.

Hailey's POV~

I'm so glad I'm not driving. I've never seen Jake so smashed since Milo's 14 and that's saying something.
"Your brother is so drunk,", I go up to him.
"At least I'm not the one dealing with him,", he responds sarcastically.
"Shut up,", I roll my eyes. I continue talking to him and we start talking about a band we both really like. They are the Arctic Monkeys. I'm not their biggest fan but I still really like them. Jake showed him Alex Turner when he was 13 and he's been obsessed since.

It got to about 10pm when I had, had enough of Jake. I love him don't get me wrong but he was getting on my nerves a little.
"Hey baby,", he comes up to me with his stinking breath of alcohol. He grabs me by the waist and attempts to kiss me.
"Hold it,", i put my finger to his lips.
"What's wrong babe,", he asks snuggling his head into my shoulder.
"Nothing I just don't fancy it,", I smile.
"Aww come on babe,", he lifts his head up.
"How much have you had?", I ask him.
"Only a few bottles,", he answers me.
"MILO!", I shout, "COME HERE.".

He walks over with Bethany, looking confused.
"How much has he had?", I question my boyfriend's brother.
"I know he's had at least 5, I didn't see all of them though,", he replies.
"I saw him have one when you were gone,", a small voices peeps in the conversation. Crap man. At least 6 bottles. I should of watched him but now I'm a pregnant lady looking after a drunk man.

"Right we are going home yous three,", I state.
"Aww come on Hails,", he fiddles with my hair, "We've barely been here.".
"It's 11pm Jake,", I reply.
"Exactly,", he slurs, "One more hour.".
"No your too drunk,", I roll my eyes.
"I'm not drunk,", he says as he falls on me.
"Sure your not,", I groan, "Come help me you two and can you get Luke?".
"Yeah I'll get him,", Bethany volunteers.
"I'll stay and help you Hailey,", Milo states.
"Thank you,", I smile at my boyfriends brother.

Bethany runs off to find Luke while me and Milo deal with his brother.
"Is he normally this bad?", Milo asks.
"He's your brother,", I remind him.
"It feel like you see him more,", he states.
"Well that's because he's my boyfriend, you dumb ass,", I stick my tongue out.

I sit on the floor with Jake lying his head on my lap. Milo is just staring at us.
"Jake don't fall a sleep,", I nudge him.
"I won't I promise,", he nods.

Luke walks in with Bethany.
"Who let him get like this again,", he asks. Me and Milo point at each other, "Well thank you very much to whoever did.". He rolls his eyes and bends down.
"Come one jake lets get you home,", he grabs his arm and tries to get him sitting up.
"I don't wanna go,", he kicks his legs

(It's late I cba to write it full so my mini explaintion of what happens with out detail >>)

Luke picks him up puts him on his shoulder and shoved him into the car. Milo sits next to him and Luke goes into the front with me. We head into the house and I unlock the door and Milo grabs his and Jakes bags. Me and Luke carry Jake upstairs half a sleep put him on my bed. I ask Luke if he'll change Jake but he says I'm his girlfriend. I tell him he's a boy and he's gotten changed before with him. He reminds me that I'm pregnant so I would of seen him (ifykyk). I tell him my stomach starts hurting so he gives in and I help Milo with the lighter bags. We set up his bed in Bethany's room and Luke leaves to go pick up Zander and my parents up. I get into some pjs and sleep with Jake. The end.

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