Day 2 : 🧑‍🍳🍪Cookie making! Pt1🍪👩‍🍳

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WARNING ⚠️: Extreme kissing???
Ships : Jailey
Ages: Jake 32, Hailey 31, Milo 27, Chloe 13 and George 5
Hailey's POV~

It's became a tradition in our family to bake cookies on the second of October (Not gonna explain why because in a couple of chapters or so you will find out why). This time we invited Milo to decorate cookies with us. Jake wasn't the keenest on the idea but I convinced him in the end. Chloe and George were very excited. More George than Chloe, but it's really  hard to make a teenager excited with anything.

4:35pm, the kids just came home from school about and hour ago and we are gonna make cookies at 6:00pm. Well I think bc Milo is coming in an hour but George will cling on to him for the first 15 minutes.

"MAM!", George says running up to me in his little jumper and jeans and a piece of paper in his hand . He gave me a hug at my leg.
"Hiya Georgie,", I say hugging him from his back. "How was school today?".
"IT WAS SO GOOD!", he says jumping up and down and turning the piece of paper around, "I drew this today! There is a little ghost next to a pumpkin as we are doing halloween themed pictures.".
"It looks amazing!", I say grabbing the picture, "You know what? I'm gonna pin it on the fridge for everyone to see!".
"Thank you mommy!", he smiles, "I'm going to go play with my trains in my room.".
"Okay,", I reply, "Get in to some messy clothes as we are making cookies later with Uncle Milo,".
"UNCLE MILO!!!", George screams with excitement.

"I swear he cares more about him then his own father,", the love of my life walks into the room with our daughter Chloe.
"Hey love,", I say as he walks over to me. I give him a quick peck on the lips as he wraps one arm around my waist. I put my head on his shoulder and I look at Chloe.

"Ewww,", She says, "Stop it with the PDA!".
"Ew and that's exactly what your aunt Milly said about uncle Zander.".
"It's not ew and your fine with Uncle Luke and  Zander with it,", I say, "You'll feel like this towards someone one day, boy or girl, if it's a girl though I think your uncle Zander will want to know,".
"I know,", she says, "He's already talked to me about it when we were painting our nails last weekend and Uncle Zander and Luke aren't as bad as yous. Besides the point there is a sorta cute girl who sits next to me in Math.".
"Ooh,", Jake says pulling me in my the side closer, "Seems like my simp traits have passed on, huh love? And your uncles are 100% worse than us", he kisses my fore head.
"Unfortunately,", I roll my eyes, "Does Uncle Zander know about her?".
"I'm not a simp! And No,", she replies, "He doesn't know as she just moved next to me toady because mr Kay changed the seating plan but I'll call him tonight about it,".

"That's exactly what your father said when he loved your aunt Daisy, then me,", I say, "He was a little bit upset about Uncle Sean dating her but he realised he didn't really love her, it was me.". I look up to him and give him a quick, but passionate kiss on the lips.
"Yeah but I wasn't a simp,", he says.
"Uh,", I tap my chin, "If I remember right that was all you were good at apart from your singing. It was your entire personality trait. Even Sean called you one.".
"Just shut up,", our daughter says putting her phone back in her pocket, "I'm going upstairs to call Uncle Zander,".
"Have fun,", I say.
"Keep count how much he cuddles Luke and that and you'll see how much more PDA they do than us.".
"I bet it will be less than you guys,", she sticks her tongue out at her father.
Jake sticks his tongue back out at her as she leaves the room.

I slap his arm and say, "Your just as immature as her.".
"No I am not!", he replies.
"Uh yes you are,".
"No I'm not".
"Your proving yourself simp", I say.
"Shut it sterling,", he says picking me up.
"HEY PUT ME DOWN!", I shout.
"No can do princess,", he winks and carries me into the living room.
"Come on jake please,", I say fluttering my eyelashes.

"Okay Fine you win,", he says dropping me onto the couch. He then sits down. We look at eachother for a few moments and then he says, "Your so beautiful you know that?".
"Your more handsome though,", I say putting my head on his lap.
"Nope,", my boyfriend replies while fiddling with my hair, "I'm gonna put some tv on before, ugh, Milo comes,".
"He's not that bad,", I say sticking up for him, "He's nice and George loves him!".
"Somehow,", he Jake mutters.

He switches to some movie channel where it's already half way through Ghost face. Me and Jake continue to watch the film while he played with my hair.

Near the end I sit up on his lap, my face snuggled into his soft t-shirt. He looks down on me, "You comfy there princess?". I nod and cuddle up more while he looks back at the . I'm not even paying attention to the film at this point and just his face.
"How am I so lucky to be dating you,", I say.
"No,", he replies looking down at my face again, "You mean how lucky I am to have you?".
"No jake I actually mean it,", I say, "I can't even put to words how big my love is for you. I just love you so much and I can't imagine a life without you,".
"I love you too princess,", the peach haired boy pulls me into a loving kiss. It lasts for a minute and then he pulls me closer into his chest as I turn my head to get deeper into the kiss.

We stay like this for another few minutes until we hear one of our children come down the stairs. I stop kissing him and  shuffle of his lap down the sofa. I lie back and lay my head back on his soft shorts.
"Uncle Zander, I did say that they have lots of PDA, I'll even show you it too you right now,",
I hear the voice of Chloe. She walks in phone in her hand and then she holds the camera up and says, "I'm owed $5 the next time you come.".
"Zander hun, calm down a little,", Luke says.
"Zander I've been married to him 13 years and I'm 31, I think I can make choices for myself hun,", I say.
"We literally have children,", Jake said butting in to the conversation.

"Calm down before this gets any more out of hand you idiots,", Chloe says, "I mainly came down to say Uncle Milo messaged me, because apparently you weren't looking at your phones, to say that he will nearly be here.".
"Thank you!", I smile, "We will be on the lookout and call you down when he does,".
She starts walking away and you can here Zander on the phone saying, "What did you mean idiots?".

DAY TWO OF OCTOBER!! I was gonna post this morning (I'm British) but I forgot to post it in the cars on the way too school so here we are. Hope you enjoy this story and part 2 is in a few days as I've already written a few before it.

1299 words

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