Ch 38 - Finding The Naag mani

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Chandrakanta became a snake and went to Abhay's room. As she was going to enter the room she saw ragini. She hid behind the cupboard . as she went from there chandrakanta started searching abhay's things. Again she heard footsteps coming to the room. She again took her snake form and hid under the bed. Ragini took her phone and went out. Chandrakanta came out of the bed and started searching.

She found a small box in the drawer. She found a small stick in the box.

She took it to Naag baba. She touched his feet.

"Baba, i got this stick in abhay's things i don't know what it is",she said.

"Give this stick i will see what it is",he said and took the stick. As baba situated the stick near the yajna and closed his eyes and he saw something.

"This stick is life of abhay, if we destroy this he will die",naag baba said. Chandrakanta took the stick and started pressing it , the other abhay's felt like he was choking. Suddenly he appeared in front of chandrakanta.

"Stop, stop please",he yelled.

"Where is the magical wand?"Chandrakanta asked.

"I won't tell you",abhay said.

"Then you will die",Chandrakanta said and broke that magical stick. Abhay was dying, black smoke was coming out of him.

"Chandrakanta gave those two pieces to me and I will burn them",naag baba said. She gave the piece to baba and he burnt them. She caught hold of abhay and killed him pressing his neck.

Abhay dies, Naag baba sees the magical wand under water from the sacred fire . Chandrakanta saw it.

"Where is it?"she asked.

"The precious water of Ganga",naag baba said.

"How will I get there?"

"In your snake form, naagin need to go through different rivers and grounds. Tapi, narmada,yamuna and then ganga you may get the wand in one of them",naag baba said.

"But it would take time and what will I say to Puneet's family?"Chandrakanta asked.

"You don't need to answer them, I will be there in your form",Mohini siad arriving there.

"Thank you very much dear",Chandrakanta said, hugging her daughter, "how is surya?"

"He is safe with devanshi",mohini siad.

"Now I will not return without finding that wand",Chandrakanta pledged.

She bowed to lord shiva and kept her hand on mohini's head blessing her and went from there. She reached tapi and came across some crocodiles.

One of those was illusory ,that crocodile grabbed Chandrakanta by his mouth. She somehow using her naagin powers broke it's mouth opening it wide. The crocodile died and the other crocodiles disappeared.

She took her snake form and went through river tapi. She reached the bank of Narmada the next morning. She was going to go inside Narmada river when a voice said, "stop, you can't go inside the water".

"Who is it? If you are brave, come out",Chandrakanta said.

A snake came out of the water and it took Naag form half snake half human.

"I'm Naag Narmad , I am the protector and controller of this area",he said.

"Let me go inside, I have very important work",Chandrakanta said politely.

"No, no one can go inside the water except the queen",narmad said aggressively.

"Who is your queen?"

"Naag rani nandini".

"Nandini",Chandrakanta missed her, "she was my sister but unfortunately she died and now, i'm the new Naag rani".

"Lie",narmad did not believe her, "you are lying , if you were Naag rani you would be wearing the crown".

Chandrakanta by her power brought the crown on her head.

"Now you get it, who am i?"she asked.

"No, until and unless you show me the Naag mani i won't believe you".

"I don't have the nagamani my enemies have hidden, I need to find it".

"You can't be a naga rani, you lost the Naag mani, our Naag rani would never be so careless".

"Listen, let me go in otherwise you may meet your end".

"I have got the boon that only a Naag rani can kill me".

"Then get ready to be killed",Chandrakanta said and took her naagin form. They both started fighting.

Narmad threw fire on her, she threw water. Narmad threw a thunderbolt on Chandrakanta but it did not affect her and it returned to him only. She threw peepal leaves on Narmad and his powers vanished, she picked him up and held him up by his neck.

"See what i told you",she said.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me",narmad begged.

Chandrakanta was going to kill him when a female voice begged ,"no Naag rani stop".

A woman came out, "I begged for my son's life",she said. Chandrakanta left him and went inside Narmada river.

On her way through the Narmada river she got surrounded by scorpios . they stung her tail but nothing happened as poison cannot kill poison. She moved fast in the water and got saved . She was also attacked by a large snake. They both fought but Chandrakanta killed them. She reached the yamuna . inside the yamuna there was a cave . The entrance was closed . she tried to open it but it was not opening. Then she saw an exit on the other side. A big, large wall closed the exit and the cave became underground..

'Who are you?' let me go out",Chandrakanta asked .

"I'm Daksh the wall, i have been cursed to be so and stop everyone to get inside yamuna", the wall spoke.

"Let me go to yamuna, i have to search for the Naag mani",Chandrakanta said politely.

"If you want to go, you need to answer three questions and any two must be right ," the wall said. Chandrakanta agreed.

"First riddle, which avatar did lord shiva take to stop lord narsimha's rage?"the wall asked.

"Lord shrabha , it was like lord Narasimha only, a lion face, abdominal body of horse, wings of eagle and torso of human".

"Good, second, who is the most powerful naagin in the naag lok?"

"First it's naag rani, above that it is shesh naagin, above her mahanaag rani or mahashesh naagin and above her aadi naagin".

"Excellent, last question, which avatar of goddess durga is in Kashi and had not blinked her eyes for several centuries?"

" devi vishalakshi".

"I'm impressed you may go, my face will disappear and you can break this wall , i'm free from this curse now, i'm grateful to you",the wall face said and disappeared.

Chandrakanta took her half snake form and threw beams on the wall from her eyes.

Then she went to the Yamuna river's entrance. It was night again and she decided to take a rest. She felt really tired. She slept in her snake form in a tree. In the morning she heard bells ringing near the temple. She woke up, took her human form, went into the river and took a sponge kinda bath and went to the temple where she also venerated lord shiva. While she was praying she fainted.

When she got up, she was in a hut and women surrounded her. She stood up in a second while giving a jerk to her body.

"Slowly dear, you should not move your body so fast it would affect the baby",one lady said.

"Baby?'Chandrakanta asked, confused.

"Yes baby, you are pregnant",the lady said. Chandrakanta was shocked.

"Means the feeling i felt before leaving the house was this, and that is due to parthenogenesis ",chandrakanta said in her mind. 

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