Chapter 21

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I crept onto the premises of the old abandoned shipping unit, the vampires new nesting grounds. Derek was close on my heels beside Chris. I watched a vamp run around the corner a few dozen feet from us, blood staining his chin. I felt a fear chill down my back at the sound of Chris cocking his gun, and had to remind myself he was on my side for the time being.

The vamp whispered something too soft to hear in another near by vamps ears and with a curt nod, they both hurried off toward the building. I had to steal my nerves not to jump them at the thoughts of what they might be considering doing to Stiles.

"There's a porting dock on the side" Chris gestured "we can probably get in that way undetected." I nodded along with Derek and we slowly, cautiously made our way to the opening. I held up a hand telling them to stay hidden while I peeked my head around the door and I froze.

Stiles was splayed on the floor, bindings on his hands and feet and I could smell the blood from a mile away. It was fresh. I clenched my teeth and there seemed to be no vampires in the room, so I motioned both Derek and Chris forward.

As we made it over to Stiles limp frame, a fear took hold of my chest. A immobilizing fear, a fear that he might very well be dead. I closed my eyes for a moment, opened them, and then slowly lowered my hand onto Stiles shoulder. I had just barely brushed his skin when he inhaled sharply, and shot into a sitting position. His head whipped around in fear before he locked eyes with me.

"Stiles, you're fine" I assured him, pulling his shaking figure to my chest "you're okay." And he just buried his face into my shoulder, grabbing at my chest as if his life depended on it.

"Now I need your help Stiles" I stated softly "where's Jay? Where did he go?" Stiles slowly pulled away from me.

"He's a vampire" Stiles breathed in disbelief "he moved so fast, I watched him rip into some poor girls neck."

"I know it's a lot to take in Stiles, but you need to stay calm and tell me where he went" I urged him, rubbing a soothing hand down his arm.

"He's gone" he whispered "said something to his friends about having to flee. I think he mentioned New York. They thought I was dead after the dark haired one threw me on the ground." I pursed my lips, uncertain whether this was some trap where they fed Stiles lies about their plans, but I shook my head.

"Come on, let's get you out of here" I whispered, helping him to his feet, and supported his shaky figure with the help of Derek and Chris...



Peter had ended up taking me back to his apartment for me to clean up. He didn't want to cause my dad any panic and neither did I. I was actually dressed in one of Peter's white dress shirts and a pair of his sweats while he attempted to clean all the blood out of my clothes.

"Do you mind if I go get some fresh air for a few minutes?" I quizzed, hoping that I had finally found my opening. He pursed his lips as if he were uncertain, before he sighed.

"Sure, but don't wander too far" he stated with a sadness in his tone "I don't want to chance the vampires coming back and attacking you." Instead of responding to him like I usually would, I left the apartment and walked to the back of the building where I promised I would meet up with him.

"You showed up" Jay smiled, pleased, as he walked over and wrapped his newly muscular arms around my torso.

"I wanted to" I whispered, biting my lip "I needed to." He let out a short laugh at my words, planting a small kiss on my cheek.

"Don't worry babe, we'll get to my blood in a second" he assured me.

"Did I do good, was I a good actor?" I quizzed, eager to please him.

"I'm not so sure he fully believes it, but you'll get better" he smiled down at me before his nose wrinkled "his scent is all over you, I don't like it."

"I had to change into his clothes while he washed my clothes" I whispered ashamedly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to displease you."

"It's fine" he kissed the back of my hand "It's not your fault." My eyes trailed down to his neck, his blood calling to me.

"Oh right, I promised you" he whispered, raising a hand up and using his nail to carve a line of red in his skin. I licked my lips at the sight of it.

"Go ahead" he urged and I excitedly leaned forward sucking on the small incision, my body full of pleasure at the taste. After a few minutes he finally pushed me off of him, too soon.

"I'm sorry, that's all can spare right now babe" he frowned at me.

"Okay, I'll go and keep telling Peter that I think you're gone" I offered but he just shook his head.

"No, no. Not this time Stiles" he insisted "having you know everything is to risky. I can't risk you telling him everything."

"I would never" I gasped.

"I know you wouldn't, but I still have to take some precautions" he offered and then his eyes flashed a golden and I felt myself lost in them, trance like.

"You will not remember anything about our deal or conversations unless you are around me" he stated smoothly "I will find you when we need to talk." Jay walked away and I blinked, scanning my surroundings.

"How did I get down here?" I muttered to myself. The last thing I new I was in Peter's apartment.

"Stiles?" I heard Peter's concerned voice and I rounded the corner to see him about to start searching for me when he spotted me as well.

"There you are, I thought you'd left" he explained "I thought you said you were only going to be gone a few minutes."

"Right, sorry" I whispered, rubbing my arms awkwardly "you left." I thought back to earlier when he left the school without even an explanation.

"I'm sorry about that Stiles, I thought it was for the best. To keep you out of all of this supernatural stuff" he insisted.

"Well, I've kind of just been thrust into the thick of it" I offered, taking a short pause before I decided to speak up "so you're a werewolf?" Peter bit his lip before he let out a sigh.

"Come on, I'll make us some coffee and I'll answer all of your questions" he insisted, and I smiled as I walked forward, grabbing his hand as we both walked back in the building.


Hey guys, here another chapter for you. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try to update again really soon. Thanks for reading! ^_^

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