Chapter 1: A Lighter Changed Everything

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This was just insane. There was no actual way (Y/N) found himself stuck in some place called The Oblivion Bar, getting choked out telepathically by a dude with fins for arms. What? Too much right off the bat? Fine, fine. Let's start from the beginning.

August 21, 2023
12:30 PM

(Y/N) was making his way to Hell's Kitchen, having been told there was a deli opening up over there that was supposed to be amazing. He had moved into his tiny apartment off 71st Street and Park Ave in the Upper East Side of Manhattan about 6 months ago and figured it was time to finally start learning some more of New York City outside of his tiny bubble of about 4 blocks. He was almost to his destination when he bumped into somebody while looking down at his phone.

"Ugh, sorry man my bad."

"It's alright kid, just keep your bloody head up next time," the gentleman spoke in a British accent. (Y/N) looked up and saw what could only describe as a surfer bro mixed with Doctor Who. Blonde hair, some stubble, and for some reason wearing a damn beige trenchcoat in the middle of August? Did this dude want to have a heat stroke or something?

"Right, right apologies. Have a good one" (Y/N) muttered and went about his business when he noticed something shining on the ground. (Y/N) reached down and picked up a lighter. Normally he would've just pocketed it, like who cares about an old lighter, but this didn't seem like an ordinary lighter. It has some weird design engraved on it that almost looked like a pentagram? What the fuck? Am I being recruited by a cult right now? (Y/N) did a quick scan and didn't see anything suspicious and that's when it hit him. Shit, this belongs to that British guy!

Something made (Y/N) feel the need that this should be returned but man does he kinda wish he didn't. (Y/N) spun around and walked as quick as he could, you'll never catch him running in fucking New York City, and tried to catch up to the guy. He could've easily called out 'Hey blonde British guy! You dropped something!' but the symbol made (Y/N) want to see what this guy was up to. Was he part of a cult? Something sinister?

He saw him turn into a back alley a few blocks later and tried his best to sneak behind the man without him knowing. (Y/N) turned into the alley behind him and hid behind a garbage can, thinking he was incredibly sneaky when in all honesty he looked like an actual crazy person. (Y/N) peered over the can just in time to see this dude start to twirl his hand and particles came out of them? Was...was this guy performing magic? Not like Harry Houdini or David Blaine magic but like ACTUAL magic? I knew I lived in a world of superheroes, I saw how the Justice League stopped another Lex Luthor crisis last night on the news, but this is blowing my mind. After shaking his head to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, (Y/N) looked back up and saw that a door that previously looked locked was now open and the man was gone. He saw the door closing and sprinted to it, throwing their shoulder at it to make sure it didn't close on him. (Y/N) fell through the doorway and looked up and couldn't believe what he saw. Fairies, demons, spirits, normal looking people, and a chimp in a Sherlock Holmes outfit?

Standing right in front of him was the blond guy from earlier, "Fucking hell mate! What the fuck are ya doing here and how did you get in? You don't seem to have an ounce of magic in ya."

"Uhhhh" (Y/N) said, trying not to panic. He stood up and noticed that some of the, we'll say less friendly looking, patrons of the establishment began to look his way. He also noticed that it looked like they were standing in some sort of bar which hopefully he could get a drink at after he makes sure these cosplayers don't kill him. "Sorry man it's just," (Y/N) fished around in his jeans pocket, "after we bumped into each other on the street I noticed you dropped this and wanted to return it." (Y/N) stuck out his hand, in it the lighter from earlier. Now he was banking on a lot here. Half of these....things looked like they wanted his head on a platter. Others seemed to want to know how the guy would react and one or two looked at (Y/N) with, was that lust? Huh make a note of that for later.

The British man looked at (Y/N)'s hand and then back at him. (Y/N) started to sweat as it looked like his fate would be decided by what the guy's response would be. He let out a laugh and said, "Thanks man. Means a lot you brought this back to me. What's your name?"

He let out a sigh of relief. "I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)."

"John Constantine." He offered a handshake. "Welcome to The Oblivion Bar. Good news is, I truly do appreciate you bringing this sucker back to me. Can't afford to lose it cause I hate asking people for a light. Bad news is, non-magical people aren't supposed to be here unless given permission so it seems like Eddie is gonna have to choke your lights out. If you're lucky, he won't kill ya, only make ya pass out."

(Y/N) looked over to where John was pointing and saw the bartender start to smirk and make his way out from behind the bar. Now don't get him wrong, (Y/N)'s been thrown out of a few bars during his time at Gotham City University but it's always been a bouncer, never a bartender. Plus, Eddie didn't seem like the biggest guy so (Y/N) felt pretty confident. Or at least he did until he saw Eddie's flippers. Yep you heard me, flippers. (Y/N) was so focused on the flippers and not laughing at the poor guy that he didn't even notice his neck starting to close up at first.

"Ah shit! What the fuck is happening?" (Y/N) felt himself start to panic and thrash and then he saw Eddie. He had one of his flippers extended towards (Y/N) and was choking him, like he was Darth Vader or something. "Wait! Wait! I'm sure we can compromise here!"

"Ah sorry chap but I don't make the rules," Constantine said but he didn't sound very sorry.

"You're right John you don't, but I do. Eddie let go of him."

Eddie let out what sounded like a sigh but finally released (Y/N) as he began to be able to breath again.

"Thanks Eddie," he said through gasps of air. (Y/N) looked up and saw a dude holding a sword and wearing a skintight suit? What the fuck is going? "Thanks but what the fuck is going on?"

The dude with the sword spoke first, "My name is James Rook. Some call me Nightmaster and you, my friend, are in my bar uninvited."

(Y/N) put his hands up. "Look, look I'm sorry ok. I saw the design on his," he gestured to Constantine, "lighter and I followed him. Yeah it was a bad thing to do but look I returned it. I promise to not say a word about this to anybody. I swear."

Rook looked between (Y/N) and Constantine. "Well John you're technically the reason he was able to get in. What do you think we should do?"

"Mate, this ain't my bar is it? I say dealer's choice."

Rook shook his head and turned back to (Y/N). "I'm sorry (Y/N). You seem like a nice enough guy but unfortunately the rules have been set for ages. I can't go changing them now because one mortal did one nice thing. Eddie-"

"WAIT!" (Y/N) shouted. Not out of anger but out of desperation. "What if uh," his eyes began to dart around, scanning for anything that could get him out of this situation. His eyes landed on Eddie and (Y/N) noticed how tired the guy looked. "What if I filled in for Eddie? Poor guy looks like he hasn't had a day off since who knows when. Let me fill in at the bar for a few days," he pleaded. He hoped this lie would work.

Rook looked back at Eddie, who simply smiled and shrugged. "Hey I'm fine with it," Eddie said. "Besides, I could use a few days off Jim. Help me get some focus back ya know?" Rook turned his attention back to (Y/N), who still had his hands up, now with a dumb grin on his face.

"Give me 4 days, if I suck then sure, let Eddie choke me out. But if I'm good, and I will be good, I get to stay on and work here."

James took a glance around the bar and saw the looks his patrons gave him. Most seemed excited, like they wanted to test the poor kid. Rook turned back to the young man with a smile, "Very well (Y/N). You'll get 4 days. Come back here tomorrow at 9 am and you'll relieve Eddie of his duties. But make note, what you said was binding. If you, as you put it, 'suck' behind the bar, then Eddie will get to choke you out and I promise you, he has noticed how much you've been staring at his flippers."

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed the very first chapter. I do have an idea of where I want this story to go as well as certain events but the rest....yeah I got nothing. So if there ever seems to be some weird delay in publishing, hey now you know why.

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