Chapter 8: Welcome Back Houdini

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September 16, 2023

Two weeks later

(Y/N) just couldn't sit still. He didn't know what the hell was happening to him. All he knew was he was worried about Zatanna. Two weeks ago, right as they were about to have their first kiss, Batman interrupted them and informed Zatanna her assistance was needed by the Justice League. I'm so gonna let him know he's Bruce Wayne when I get the chance. Thanks Wally. While Zatanna never said how long she would be gone, she made it seem like it wouldn't be as long as two weeks and yes, it was a bit selfish but, he would be lying if he said he didn't want her to come back quicker so they could go on their next date.

The first few days were fine. He saw the news report from Cat Grant about how members of the League were off to some other world fighting who knows what. In fact he felt himself smile. Am I officially dating a Justice League member? Are we together? I mean it's been two dates but also just over a week. Ugh I can't focus on that right now. However once they hit a week, he began to get a bit nervous. He looked at his phone to see if Zatanna had texted him and he missed it but every time he checked, all he saw was her last message,

'Back home barboy. Had a great time tonight 😘. I'll text you when I'm back from the mission'

'Can't wait for it Houdini. Go kick some ass'

That was it. He couldn't let it end like that. He sent her a text a few days after she left,

'Hey just checking in! Hope you're kicking butt out there! No update from the news so I was hoping for a frontline update hahaha'

That message didn't get him a response and he debated sending another one but stopped himself. Stop! You ARE NOT that desperate. Ok I mean you ARE but you're going to fucking hide it. He reached out to Wally and Artemis to see if maybe they had heard something but they both gave the same response that they hadn't.

"Am I crazy for being concerned?"

"Nah man it's natural," Wally told (Y/N) over the phone. "It's normal in this line of work when you care about someone. I remember when Arty went undercover once for the Team and I hated every second of it. I was worried sick the entire time because she couldn't update me."

"How many times do I have to apologize for that?" (Y/N) heard Artemis ask in the background.

"None because I love you. Anyway, (Y/N) dude, just relax. It's clear you care about her and she knows that. She was BLOWING UP Artemis' phone after your date. She cares about you too. Plus she isn't the type to ghost. Some missions just take a while."

(Y/N) let out a sigh. He knew his friend was right. "Thanks Wally. This is why you're my friend."

"You know it man. Now go relax and play some FIFA, I want a rematch next time."

(Y/N) just laughed at his friend. "Alright fucker, I'll do that. Later." He hung up and went to bed before work at the Oblivion Bar. However, that night, one week after the League began their mission, he had a horrifying nightmare. He didn't know where he was but he felt scared, no he felt frozen. Frozen in fear. He didn't see anything and nothing made its presence known but it was chilling, haunting even. "Hello?" He called out but was only met with silence. Then quietly he heard Zatanna.


"Zatanna? What's going on?" As soon as he asked that question, he woke up sweating. What the fuck was that? Am I sweating? What's going on? He checked the clock and saw it was 5 in the morning. He decided to go ahead and head into the bar, maybe some work will take his mind off it. He worked a normal day at the bar when Constantine came in. (Y/N) asked John if he had heard anything from the League and Constantine just shook his head.

"Listen (Y/N) I can't say a lot but all I'll say is, if they're fighting what I think they are, they are in some deep shit."

(Y/N) wanted to ask what he was talking about but by the look on John's face, he knew he should just keep that to himself. The rest of the week passed by normal enough though he continued to be extremely worried. He also noticed that the number of demons that would come in had dropped a little but he always knew Rorzal would be there. "I don't know Ror, maybe I am being a bit over dramatic."

"Look (Y/N) it's clear you care about her, " the demon said. (Y/N) was thankful that he could understand him clearly. "And it seems like she's into you. I mean you said you almost kissed. Whatever they're doing just might be taking a while. I mean they had to go to some other dimension or planet or something right?" The bartender shook his head yes. "That takes a long time, believe me."

(Y/N) let out a sigh and smiled. "Dude how are you a demon from Hell but you give me great advice?"

"I was a therapist in another life."

"Oh really? Sick." (Y/N) offered Rorzal a free drink before heading out back to his apartment. It was 8:30 at night on a Saturday, and he was tired. He checked his phone and still didn't see a text from Zatanna. It's fine dude. It's fine. He made his way back to his apartment and was so tired he didn't even bother changing. It was around 9 pm and he was just about to get started eating dinner when he heard a knock at his door. Huh that's weird. The only people that actually know my address are Wally and Artemis and they have a key. He stood up from his table and made his way over to the door. When he opened it he couldn't believe his eyes. "Zatanna." In front of him was the magician but instead of her normal, happy demeanor, she seemed worried. Her eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying. (Y/N) didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug. "Hey, it's ok. What's wrong?"

Zatanna pulled away and smiled at (Y/N). "Hey barboy. Sorry I promise I'll explain. Can-can I come in?" (Y/N) nodded yes and Zatanna made her way over to the couch.

"So how did you find my address? League resources?" (Y/N) asked, trying to brighten Zatanna's spirits.

Zatanaa let out a chuckle and could tell what the bartender was trying to do. "No idiot. I asked Artemis."

(Y/N) took a seat next to her. "So what's wrong? You look like you've been crying."

Zatanna looked down at the floor and then back up at (Y/N). "I-I have. It's what we fought. It made me realize some things."

(Y/N) looked at her and his heart began pounding out of his chest. Is she ending things now? Please don't tell me she is. "What things?"

Zatanna took his hands. "The entity we fought, it calls itself The-" she shook her head. "I can't even speak it right now. Anyway it showed me things, horrible things. I had nightmares where people I cared about were dead or hurt. The world was in ruin and I couldn't do anything about it. It showed you-"

"It showed me what?"

Zatanna shook her head again. "I don't want to think about it." She let out a shaky breath. "What fighting that monster did prove to me though is that this life I live, it's too short and too dangerous to let things go by." She stood up and walked towards the window.

(Y/N) stood up and followed her. "Zatanna I'm not sure I follow you."

The magician turned back to face him and got lost in his (e/c) eyes. "It showed me that if you want something then you need to just go for it." She took a step towards him and grabbed his hands. "And what I want is you."

(Y/N) didn't say anything. He simply looked in her blue eyes and, if almost by instinct, leaned in and placed his lips on hers. Zatanna followed suit and wrapped her arms around his neck. After a few seconds the two opened their eyes and leaned back as (Y/N) looked deep into Zatanna's eyes. "I want you too Houdini" he said with a dumb grin on his face and Zatanna couldn't help but smile back. The pair leaned back into their kiss and both felt themselves happier than ever in that moment. The bartender and the magician, now officially together.

A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story. I know this is going to sound cheesy but thank you for 500 reads. Genuinely didn't expect that when I started. I want to give a special shoutout to Matt-From-Wii and if you haven't read their Young Justice fanfic, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. It's what inspired me to write this. Anyways thank you again and enjoy!

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