Chapter 10: Girl Talk

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November 18, 2023

2:30 PM PST

Palo Alto, California

Zatanna knocked on the front door of Artemis and Wally's home and is greeted by her best friend.

"Hey Zee, come on in. I should be ready in like 15." Artemis gives her friend a quick hug and welcomes her into her home. She left to go finish getting ready.

"Hey Zee, you ready for girls day?" Wally leans in from the kitchen to ask.

"Always Wally. It's been a bit since we've seen everyone and with Thanksgiving next week, it just felt right."

"I know what you mean. Speaking of, you going to the Justice League's Thanksgiving banquet? I would ask if you're going with (Y/N) back to South Carolina but I don't want to assume."

"Not sure. He hasn't even talked about it. Maybe I should bring it up to him."

Wally rolled his eyes. "Might want to do that. We both know how forgetful he can be."

That earned a slight chuckle from Zatanna. It had been 2 months since she officially began dating (Y/N) but the only people who really knew anything about him were Wally and Artemis. "Yeah I know but he's gotten better at remembering stuff. I didn't even have to use magic."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for fun I like to randomly quiz him on stuff because you know how embarrassed he gets. He at least remembered my birthday....on the third try."

Wally let out a whistle as Artemis came back into the living room. "Please tell me you didn't hurt him," the blonde said.

Zatanna laughed. "No nothing like that. I just levitated off the ground for a bit. He absolutely hates it and I find it adorable," she said with a blush which earned an 'Awww" from Artemis and a chuckle from Wally.

"Ya know," the redhead started, "when I called you two lovebirds at the bar, I meant it as a joke."

"Well thank you for it, even if the dweeb still couldn't take a hint."

Now all three began laughing as Artemis piped in. "Believe me we know. Now let's go, the girls are waiting." She gave Wally a quick kiss. "Don't stay up, you know that this goes." The couple exchanged 'I love you's' and the girls went on their way. It was about a 15 minute drive to the cafe where the rest of the girls were waiting. The two got out and saw that they were in fact the last to arrive. They saw their friends sitting around when one of the members looked up from the table and waved them over.

"Zee, Artemis, over here."

The two made their way over and gave everyone hugs or waves. "Hey girls," Zatanna said, "sorry we're late. I had to zeta over here." She looked around the table and noticed two invitees weren't there. "Let me guess, Diana has League stuff and M'gann has Team stuff?"

Dinah Lance let out a sigh. "Yep. Even before Thanksgiving, bad guys won't give us a break."

Zatanna looked around the table and while she was sad those two couldn't be here, she was still happy everyone else was. There was Dinah Lance, Raquel Ervin, Barbara Gordon, Kara Zor-El, and Cassie Sandsmark. Though the public knows them as Black Canary, Rocket, Oracle, Supergirl, and Wonder Girl.

Barbara had a slight smirk on her face. "So you had to zeta over here but I had to zeta across the country and I'm in a wheelchair and still beat you here. What caused you to be late? Could it have anything to do with that new 'Gotham U' sweatshirt you're wearing?"

Zatanna started feeling her face turn red as she blushed.


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