Chapter 12: Huh So That's What The Earth Looks Like

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A/N: Hello everyone. Yes this is an author's note at the beginning of the chapter.

First, thank you so much for the support. The fact that if you search "DC Comics x Male Reader" and this is one of the first stories you see is amazing and something that I'm thankful for. Unfortunately, the uploads are going to slow down a bit. I realized that by me trying to make everything perfect and get out multiple chapters a week, I was burning myself out. So while there will be still be regular uploads, they just might come with a little more space between them.

Second, yesterday I started a Percy Jackson story as well! Another reason these uploads will be spaced out as I want to be able to work on both properly. So with all that out there, ENJOY!


December 2, 2023

8:42 AM EST

(Y/N) woke up and felt the impossible to break grip of his girlfriend wrapped around his torso as he let out a small laugh. It had been a week since Zatanna 'officially' moved in with him, even though he teased her about how she had basically been living there since they started dating when he asked her. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he thought back to it.


November 27, 2023

2:42 PM EST

(Y/N) opened the door to his apartment as he arrived back after traveling home to South Carolina for Thanksgiving. He hadn't seen his family in a few months and it was great to see everyone. He was also relieved he had a chance to alleviate any worry with his parents about the fact that he was now dating a superhero.

"I just want to make sure you're safe is all. I mean we've seen the news. It's dangerous and you're so far away."

(Y/N) sat around the kitchen table with his parents and sister while the rest of his family was chatting in the living room. He wanted to talk to them privately about all this first.

"I know mom but you have to admit, one of the safer things I can do is have a superhero close by," (Y/N) said with a smile.

"He's got a point (M/N). Plus you've seen what she can do on the news. Not many I'd choose over her in a fight," (Y/N)'s father said with a proud smile on his face.

"I know (FH/N) but still I worry."

(Y/N) decided to reveal something he swore he would never would. Well partially reveal something. "I shouldn't tell you this," he began with a sigh, "but she isn't the first superhero that I became friends with. Not telling you who but I promise I'm safe."

His sister, (S/N), decided now was her time to chime in. "Look, I like her and I think she's cute. Do you have a photo of you two together?"

(Y/N) rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone. He showed his family the same photo Zatanna had shown her friends and any worry that was on any of their faces melted away. "Plus," he said looking at everyone, "I told her I loved her and I do."

He held his breath as he waited for them to process the bombshell he dropped. His sister squealed with delight, his dad started laughing and gave him a pat on the back, and when he looked at his mom he was met with a smile and tears in her eyes.

"That's good enough for me then. I approve."

(Y/N) began chuckling. "Thanks mom, I'll let her know."

Now, as he opened the door home, he was met with the smell of something cooking in the oven. It smelled like turkey? What the hell? Zee's supposed to be on the Watchtower right now. He left his luggage by the door and slowly moved his way to the kitchen, worried someone had broken in. However, when he peered in he was met with one of the most amazing things he had ever seen. Zatanna had set a table for them and was preparing a Thanksgiving meal for the two of them. She currently had her back to him, seemingly unaware that he was back. She was looking through a cookbook and using magic to make sure everything was properly prepared.  (Y/N) just stared at her with the biggest grin on his face. He carefully snuck up behind her and as soon as he was right behind her, he hugged her from behind, picked her up and spun her around.

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