Chapter 7: The Justice League Ruin My Moment

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September 1, 2023

5:30 PM EST

Friday could not have gotten here soon enough. (Y/N) could barely contain his excitement during his shift at the Oblivion bar. Obviously he had the joy of meeting Zatanna last week but now he got to go on an actual date with her. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Not to mention some of the regulars who saw her kiss his cheek earlier in the week decided to start spreading some rumors.

"So you and Zee huh? Gotta admit mate, took me by surprise." (Y/N) looked towards the end of the bar and saw where the voice was coming from.

"John! Was wondering where you went off too. Been a few days, had me worried," the bartender said with a laugh. He noticed a few of the demons looking towards Constantine and they didn't have the happiest expression on their faces.

John Constantine cracked a small smile. "Oh sod off. You only worried because of how much your profits would drop if I kicked it."

"I mean I won't disagree with that. So how'd you know about Zee and I?"

"Kid, when you travel everywhere like I do, you learn how quickly rumors spread. It's not bad that people are talking about you and the magician possibly dating, just know that it will put you in some crosshairs."

(Y/N) shrugged and put on a brave face. "Relax, will you. Do I like her? Yeah I do but tonight's our first date or our first date alone I guess. Besides, I've only known her for a week."

"I know, kid, believe me. I just wanted you to know. I kinda feel the need to keep an eye on her after what happened to her family."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Constantine shook his head. "Come on now. You're smart enough to know that I won't tell you. It's not my story to tell."

(Y/N) put the final glass he was washing back in its spot. "You're right, my bad. I'm just a tad nervous about tonight. First time I've been on a date in a while," he said. "Plus like I said, I like her. Don't want to blow it."

Constantine just let out a sigh. "Kid you're not going to blow it. Maybe it's because I've known her for a while or maybe it's because I'm just hoping for the best for you but you're not."

"Thanks, John. Eddie's about to come in so he'll close you out."

(Y/N) was about to walk out the door when Constantine called out to him. "Hey (Y/N)." The bartender turned to Constantine, "You've got this mate." (Y/N) just flashed him a smile and gave him a nod before heading out. As he walked to the subway he pulled out his phone.

'So how long have you known Constantine?'

'A few years. He helped my dad with some missions and stuff. Why?'

'No reason. He just came into the bar and you may or may not have come up'

'Oh really? Well, did you say some flattering things about me?'

(Y/N) let out a chuckle.

'Of course though apparently we may be the talk of the magic world? Seems your kiss on Monday has spread around a little'

'Fuck. I was hoping to keep that quiet. Oh well'

'Hey I don't mind'

(Y/N) got off at his stop and made his way to his apartment.

'So for tonight Houdini, you don't need to wear anything fancy'

'Aw but I like fancy. Are you saying you didn't think I looked cute at the bar last week?'

Whiskey on the Rocks (DC Comics x Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat