Chapter 3: It's My First Day and I'm Already Arguing With A Demon

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"How the fuck was I supposed to know that 'the blood of your enemies' is how you order a vodka cranberry?!" (Y/N) asked one of the patrons.

"N hrepvrh nh mi seaaej cjebldvl" the demon responded.

"No Rorzal, it is not common knowledge. Just because I'm able to understand what you're saying doesn't mean I understand the context. Now if we have another situation like this happen again I'm cutting you off. Understand?"

"Olmr n pjdlgihmjd. Ao fmd." The demon known as Rorzal apologized and reached out his fist.

(Y/N) returned the fist bump with a smile. "All good man. I'll check back up on ya in a bit." He began to wipe down the bar a bit when he noticed James Rook, the owner, make his way behind the bar.

"So how's the first day going?" the man also known as Nightmaster asked.

"Not too bad. Glad we got some of the basics in before I rode solo. Plus I had this guy," (Y/N) motioned to Rorzal with a nod, "threaten to set this place on fire when I told him that we didn't serve the blood of his enemies."

"Oh yeah he loves his vodka crans."

"Yeah I know that now. Anyways outside of that, I haven't really had many issues. I was worried Constantine was going to show up and make my life hell but honestly it's been ok." (Y/N) put the empty glass Rorzal was using in the dishwasher and kept his tip from the demon. "Hey James, I got a few questions that I didn't get the chance to ask before I started."

"No, Eddie is not actually a seal."

"Not what I was going to ask but thank you for clarifying. But like first, how is it that I can understand everyone in here. Like is the answer just as simple as magic? Cause realistically there's no way I should be able to understand demons like Rorzal and vice versa." (Y/N) propped his arm and looked around. He noticed that the bar has slowed down and figured this was probably the best time for him to wrap up and figure things out.

Rook let out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry (Y/N) but it really is that simple. There's some magic even I don't remember about this place. If I had to guess, it's just some sort of magic that's been here as long as the bar has. It's also why nobody can get into fights here. This is considered a safe haven for all magic users so there's an unmentioned agreement that if anybody tries to start trouble, all other patrons will turn to defend this place."

"So then there's no reason for me to have this?" (Y/N) asked while pulling a baseball bat out from behind the bar. "Man I had to beat Rorzal in rock, paper, scissors for this thing. Dude is a massive cheater by the way."

"Well I guess it'll be useful if something ever happens so just keep it behind the bar for now."

"Awesome," (Y/N) said while admiring the wooden bat that seemed to be radiating some form of energy that he couldn't put his finger on. He put the bat back behind the bar and turned back to James. "So second question. I don't know about you or Eddie but since I live in Manhattan I have rent to pay, expensive rent to pay. Sooooo when will I be paid? Is it like an every two weeks thing or are we just going with bi-monthly? I'm cool with either personally. Also do I get like a set wage? Please don't tell me I'm making $7.25 an hour here."

Rook put his hand on his chin and pondered this question. "Well (Y/N) I gotta be honest with you I don't really know. See one of the perks of this place being magic is that we never run out of booze. The bottles are automatically refilled if empty and if a customer asks for something, it'll be here somewhere. As for pay, well I've never really worried about that. See there are a few rooms here at the bar. I live in one, Eddie lives in another and Detective Chimp-"

"Detective who?"

"The monkey that was in the Sherlock Holmes outfit yesterday. He lives in the third room. I'd offer you a room but we're filled and I don't think you want to sleep in a supply closet so how about this." Rook took a seat at the bar and looked at the bartender. "I'm not going to give you every bit of money this place makes because that'd be dumb. But what I will do is this; since this place makes a great amount of money daily and Eddie doesn't really go out much, I am willing to split the profits 3 ways between the 3 of us since we're the only workers here. Obviously you'll also get to keep your tips, I'm not some heartless monster."

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