Chapter 14: Thanks for Saving My Life...Dating Your Daughter BTW

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Shit. Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit.

(Y/N) felt himself start to panic. Did he plan on meeting Zatanna's father at some point? Of course he did. Once you tell your significant other you love them, one starts to plan for eventually meeting their parents.

Did he plan on meeting Zatara today, after getting his ass kicked by some little witch boy, being so injured that he needed to be brought to the Watchtower, and cuddling with his daughter while having....thoughts run through his head? Not a chance.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Zatanna sniffling, she was just so happy to see her dad for the second time this year. Something that hadn't happened since Giovanni Zatara took on the Dr. Fate mantle. (Y/N) walked up to the two of them as Zatanna finally let her father out of the hug she gave him and (Y/N) stuck out his hand.

"Mr. Zatara. It's a pleasure to finally meet you sir," he spoke while Zatara shook his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine (Y/N) but please, just Zatara is fine. Or even Giovanni."

"No disrespect Mr. Zatara but my southern upbringing won't allow that," (Y/N) spoke with a chuckle as Zee let out a giggle. (Y/N) looked at her with a smile as he felt her wrap her arms around his.

Zatara couldn't help but smile as he saw his daughter so happy. A happiness he hadn't seen since she was a little girl, before he took on being Dr. Fate. Ever since, every time they saw each other her happiness seemed to be replaced with sorrow since they both knew they would only be allowed to see each other for an hour. Seeing her here with (Y/N) though, Zatara was finally able to see his daughter happy for the first time in a while.

"So I believe we have a lot to catch up on," he said while taking a seat and placing the Helmet of Fate on the bed. (Y/N) and Zatanna sat down beside the helm, (Y/N) putting himself between his girlfriend and the helmet almost out of instinct.

He let out a chuckle. "I would say so sir. Zatanna has told me so much about you, about how happy she is every time she sees you. I can only wish to give her half of that happiness." He turned to Zatanna to see her blushing. Yeah it was cheesy but (Y/N) meant every word he said. Plus he knew she got flustered when he talked like that and it always made him laugh.

Zatara let out a chuckle as well. "I think it's fair to say that you've done more than that. While she sometimes seems to forget, I do hear her talk about you when we go on missions together."

Zatanna felt her face turn bright red and the gentlemen laughed.

"Oh really? Knowing her I feel like it involves her always levitating me whenever I make her mad," (Y/N) joked.

He was laughing along with Zatara so neither heard Zatanna quickly mumble under her breath.


(Y/N) started to feel himself rise up from the bed but instead of freaking out, he just playfully rolled his eyes and sighed. "Zatanna..." he said with a playful hint of annoyance in his voice.

He landed back on the bed, Zatara and him still laughing while Zatanna furrowed her brow.

"You're lucky he taught me to be responsible with my magic," she said while looking at her father before laughing herself. She felt herself starting to tear up again and (Y/N)'s hand wiped some of the tears away. "I'm sorry it's just," she dropped her head for a moment before looking between her boyfriend and her father, "I...I really didn't think this meeting would ever happen. Especially after today."

Zatara let out a sigh. "Well sweetie, it almost didn't." The couple looked at the elder magician with curiosity. "When Rook first got in contact with us and asked us for help, he didn't mention that Klarion was the one attacking. All he said was that the Oblivion Bar was under attack and that quote 'your daughter's boyfriend is hurt Zatara'. I pleaded with Nabu to let us go and help you (Y/N) but said no. He said that us interfering would make us no better than Klarion."

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