Chapter 9: Good Morning, Houdini

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Zatanna slowly opened her eyes as she listened to the rain outside. She looked around and worried for a moment as she forgot where she was but all those worries went away as she got out of the bed and made her way to the kitchen where it smelled like someone was cooking breakfast. She rubbed her eyes as she walked in and saw (Y/N) standing at the stove cooking some eggs. (Y/N) heard her walk in and turned around to face her. "Good morning sleeping beauty," he joked with a smile.

Zatanna walked up and kissed him before embracing him and putting her head on his chest. "Shut up you dweeb."

(Y/N) kissed the top of her head and turned around to get back to cooking. "Sleep well? I hope so because you looked exhausted last night."

Zatanna hugged her boyfriend from behind now and thought back to last night.


The two broke their kiss and (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Zatanna. He was incredibly happy they agreed to become a couple. He kissed the top of her head and lifted her head up so he could look her in the eyes. "Come on Houdini, let's go to bed. You look like you haven't slept well in a few days."

Zatanna put her head back on (Y/N)'s chest and nodded her head agreeing with her boyfriend. They walked to the bedroom when (Y/N) sighed. "I just realized I don't have anything for you to sleep in except old fraternity shirts. I hope that's ok." Zatanna looked at him with a smirk on her face that had (Y/N) slightly worried but he just laughed. "Zee what's with that look? Last time you had that look in your eye I began floating over New York."

Zatanna just laughed and reassured him. "Nothing bad I promise. Now," she took a step towards (Y/N) before saying, "Teg su ydaer rof deb" and suddenly both were dressed for bed though (Y/N) let out a quick "What the-" as he still wasn't used to her using magic. Zatanna was wearing a matching black bra and underwear while (Y/N) was in an old fraternity shirt and a pair of shorts. (Y/N) took one look at Zatanna and his jaw dropped which made the magician giggle. "Like what you see," she asked playfully.

"Of course I do but I'm ready for bed and don't you even think about complaining. You are going to get some rest. Now," he reached for a shirt for her to wear, "do you want a shirt from my 2018 formal or one from a mixer we did with ADPi" he joked which caused Zatanna to playfully roll her eyes.

"Hmmm, how about the one you're wearing."

Now it was (Y/N) who rolled his eyes. "Fine but only because I know there was no way I was winning this," he said while taking off his shirt and giving it to Zatanna. "It matches your eyes perfectly," he said before giving Zatanna a kiss. "Now come on, let's go to bed." The two climbed into bed, (Y/N) laying on his back before Zatanna snuggled up close and laid her head on his chest. (Y/N) smiled and kissed the top of her head as it wasn't long before he heard his girlfriend peacefully sleeping and he followed suit a few minutes later.

He woke up around 8:30 in the morning and was going to surprise Zatanna with some breakfast but as he went to get up he felt the grip she had on him tighten.

"Five more minutes," Zatanna sleepily mumbled, which just made (Y/N) chuckle. God she is so adorable when she sleeps. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Fine Houdini, five more minutes ok?" he asked playfully. He was met with the feeling of Zatanna nodding yes on his chest. After 15 more minutes, he slowly maneuvered his way out of his girlfriend's grip and made his way to the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth and got ready before going to the kitchen and getting everything started. About 30 minutes later he heard Zatanna walk into the kitchen.


"I slept amazing," Zatanna chuckled, answering her boyfriend's question. "You're like a giant teddy bear."

Whiskey on the Rocks (DC Comics x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن