Shade No. 10

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Shade No. 10

~Tilly Beans P.O.V.~

I sat on the couch with everyone else while all the kids were outside and I could literally hear them laughing from inside because they were so loud.

"You good?" King asked as he returned to sitting next to me. I climbed in his lap because I could and he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I just wanna know what they're all laughing about because now I wanna laugh." Breezy came walking in still laughing and that only made me feel more out of the loop. "Breezy?"

"Yes Tilly Beans?" He called back as he stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "I like your coconuts. Real or nah?"

"Which set?" There was a small moment of silence till King interrupted with his own laughter. "Anyways, what's so funny out there?"

"We're just discussin' random topics. Right now we're talkin' about what super hero we would be and the answers are just really funny. You wanna come out and be apart of it?"

"Fuck yeah I do. I'll be right back, King." I got off his lap and followed Breezy outside to the back landing shit thing that I forgot the name to- balcony! There we go.

"Aye Tilly Beans." Everyone said and I took a seat up on the balcony railing. It was thick enough for me to sit on so I gladly did, I just have to make sure I don't lean back. Ty came walking over to me and leaned up against the railing, right next to me.

"Aye, so what's this talk about super heroes?" I asked Trey.

"If you were a super hero which one would you be and why?" He said simple enough. "You got a super hero in mind?"

"Oh hell yes I do! Can I share now or was someone else already talking?" I was too excited for this one. I didn't even need to give it much thought, I just already knew.

~Let The Shade Begin~

Tilly Beans

In a city where crime never sleeps and all walks of life patrol the streets, there was one female who discovered she had the amazing ability to fight crime.

She was BatBitch.

Thothem City had since been overrun with thots when SlutGirl gained control. The disappearance of SweetiePie remained a mystery to all of Thotem City, speculations that The King had kidnapped her ran through the hoods and mouths of one star hookers at their corners.

"In breaking news, there's still no sign of SweetiePie. It's been more than 48 hours since her disappearance was noticed and there have been no solid leads, so if you have any information please be sure to let local authorities know." The phony news anchor said. Just because a sex tape of hers "leaked" she thinks she's just allowed to wear a blazer without a shirt. I'll be there to kill you in your sleep.

But where was SweetiePie? She was my partner in crime but if anything did happen- I need to investigate. Thothem City was never a good city to begin with. It pretty much rained crabs and every building was coated in a thick layer of gonorrhea but this city needed heroes. Which is where SweetiePie and I slide into the scene.

I walked to my closet and parted all my clothes that were on hangers, down the middle. I opened the little door and squeezed my way in, taking me to my mini lair. It would have been bigger but there was only so far I could build till I broke the wall into my neighbors apartment.

I walked up to a large tube where my costume hung. Beautiful as ever. It was simple, I could move freely, I didn't sweat, it had bows, and it was sexy as fuck. (Picture In The Media Section) I pulled off my clothes and put on my costume. Making sure the bows sat correctly and nothing was twisted, I took a look in the mirror and was satisfied.

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