Shade No. 15

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Shade No. 15

~Tilly Beans P.O.V.~

"I loved your last story, Tilly Beans." Ty said as he took a seat next to me. We all had moved down to the beach and I laid here on my towel about as exposed as I could possibly be. The sun beaming on my skin but then cooled off by the breeze was tantalizing feeling that brought me comfort.

"I'm glad you did. Thothem City needed BatBitch to save the day and I gladly helped with my friends of course." I said with a laugh. I propped up on my arms and looked out into the distance. "The ocean seems so endless." I said.

"Right? Crazy how it just goes for miles on miles like that."

"I like under the sea better. All the action is below the surface but it's interesting how the ocean seems to be the only place that humans have disrupted with buildings and such- like under the sea is what truly belongs to sea life." I thought of all the coral reefs, the fishies, dolphins, sharks, and jelly fish that could be no more than hundred feet away from me right now.

"Well you like mermaids right?"

"Ty, I was a mermaid in a past life. I know it and one day I'll return back to the sea where I belong." I looked down at my legs and imagined seeing them fused together with purple - green ombre scales and a beautiful whispy fin at the end.

"Do you remember your past life?" He scooted closer to me till we were pretty much pressed together on my towel.

"Of course."

~Let The Shade Begin~

Tilly Beans

Life above the water was always said to be a dangerous place. Where pimps snatched a female if she had the ability to throw it back for cash, thugs were the heartthrobs that made thot's flood their houses from excitement and mermaids were the ultimate prize.

I was the last mermaid among merniggas here in Slutlantis. Slutmaids were not considered mermaids and were banned but there was an army that wiped out all the real mermaids which left me as the last one.

AquaBitch was my name and originally I was from Thothem City where I was known as BatBitch but I chose to trade in my crime fighting abilities for a tail fin and gills.

Though I can still go on land and unfuse my legs to be able to walk on land, that proved to be way too dangerous and I didn't want to be captured. I've swam the seven seas many times and each time barely got away from the pimps who tried to harpoon me from their luxury yachts and pimped out docks.

"AquaBitch, we have a problem." I heard the familiar voice of King Arlie. I looked up at saw him near the surface of the water. Back when Slutlantis used to be on land, King Arlie ruled our civilization. But when Slutlantis sinked because of a mass twerk fest, King Arlie couldn't rule anymore due to the fact he wasn't a Mernigga.

I swam up to the surface. My hair tickling my lower back and my fin propelling me through the water with speed and ease, I broke the surface and took a deep breath of air. I liked that I could breathe in the water and on land.

"What's the problem?" I asked as he grabbed my hand, holding it securely in his hands. Back when there were other mermaids, King Arlie was the plankton to everyone's eye but he just wouldn't cuff anyone to make his queen. Then the Slutmaids came in and drove King Arlie forever more out of the water with their thirst.

"Up here on land... Do you remember when you, as BatBitch and Mr.OohThemInches lead those thots to ThickerThanASnicker Hill and they fell off?" I nodded eagerly at that memory. "Well, they've climbed their way out." He said with a sigh.

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