Shade No. 40

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Shade No.40

~Varo P.O.V.~

"You know the type of people I love the most?" I said as I sat on my towel and pulled Sweet Cheeks right onto my lap.

"Hookers." Nelle Bells said with a questionable look.

"They're a close second but I love petty people. Like, they make me laugh so much at the shit they pull just to be petty."

"You're petty." Tilly Beans said. "The pettiest nigga I know to be exact."

"I am not petty. I am Vetty. It's different than petty so go deep throat a cucumber, Tilly Beans."

"I don't fuck with cucumber havin' ass niggas, I fuck with full on eggplant niggas." That didn't make your argument anymore valid than the fact you still don't have a child with Arlina but okay.

"You know who the pettiest person really is? Trey. Hands down, he is the pettiest." Lexis said.

"I agree." Isabella added from her towel. "Too petty if you ask me-"

"No one asked you so shut up." Trey added. "I'm not that petty-"

"Bullfuckinshit." Lexis said. "Family get togethers, you can not sit here and say you are not the pettiest one at those events." Trey simply sipped his tea. "Exactly. Petty The Sipper is what your name should be."

"Jack The Ripper is better tho-"

"Not for you, Petty The Sipper." Lexis continued to say as the rest of us kept to our laughter.

"Aight, you wanna see what Petty really is? I'ma show you. Lemme tell y'all a little story called Nelle Bells and The Three Thugs."

~Let The Shade Begin~

(Narrated By Trey)

Once upon time in the dense forests of Oakland there lived a naive girl named Nelle Bells. Now, she was always told to stay out of the forests by her Grandmother because of critters that lived in there. For the most part she did just that, she stayed far away from the forest and chilled near the cottage.

One day she was hanging up laundry on the clothes line just out in the front yard. The village kids were playing with their ball when they accidentally kicked it too hard and it went into the forest.

"Oh no." Little Ty said as he stood near the entrance to the forest. "The ball's gone."

"Now how are we supposed to play soccer?" Little Breezy said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. It was a hot day and all the kids wanted to be out playing with each other.

"I can go in and get it for you?" Nelle Bells offered as she hung up her last piece of clothing. She put the basket on the bench and walked out of the front yard, closing the gate behind her. "It's just in that meadow up ahead, right?" She asked as she tried to peek between the trees. The boys nodded and she started to make her way into the forest.

Careful as to where to step because she didn't want to get her Timberlands dirty but she was relieved when she saw the ball cushioned in a bush. Approaching the ball, she carefully pulled it out without breaking a fragile talon she calls her nails even though they could probably poke out someone's eye.

She looked up and saw a flattened down pathway. It looked recently used and she decided to let her curiosity get the best of her despite the fact this a densely wooded forest that no one from the village went into but let's take a moment and take a sip.

Don't know what possessed her to wear an extremely short baby doll dress but she did and she held in the sides of it as she walked through the trees. Well if you wouldn't have been in the forest, you wouldn't be worrying about your dress snagging on twigs but let us take another sip at this bullshit.

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