Shade No. 35

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Shade No. 35

~Trey P.O.V.~

"Y'all are too much. Tilly Beans you just won't quit for that Joel 2.0." I said as I sat in the sand. Ivanna had migrated to my lap because I had the good tea and she wanted a sip. Well she ended up just staying here so I now have a lap buddy.

"He's the perfect child-"

"Tilly Beans, he cries all the time. You're just never around to hear it. I'm just done, I don't even care anymore. Not about to sweat this anymore than I already have." Uncle Arlie said with a shake of his head. I mean... I think a Tilly Beans and Uncle Arlie blended child would be bomb but that's just me and I'm not about to start on this topic. "Who's telling a story next?"

"We want a cute story." Ivanna protested. All of us looked down at her and she hid herself in my chest.

"Too many eyes on you?" I asked her and she nodded trying to her hide herself even more. "That was cute though."

"Stooop, T." She plead to me and I just laughed.

"Aight, I'll tell a story that's just for the little kids because y'all probably have no idea what we've been talking about huh? Except for Tilly Beans being a mermaid." I still can't believe I was a whale. She did me so wrong but that's aight, I'll get her back for that one of these days.

"What story?"

"Well lemme see right quick- Do you know how Mommy and Daddy met?" She shook her head. "I got the right story for you then. This is going to be about how Mommy and Daddy met- I vote Mom should tell it if I tell her what my story was gonna be."

"Fine, Trey." She said. I decided to just text her what my idea was because I didn't wanna get up and she was too comfortable on Dad's lap to get up... mainly because I was just lazy and I text almost as fast as I talk anyways- Nah.

"Fuck it, I'll just tell it because I feel like telling a story." I stopped mid text and cleared my throat by taking a long sip of my tea. "Ready Ivanna?" She nodded.

~Let The Shade Begin~

~Sugar Peach~

Hi I'm Sugar Peach, or more commonly called by Nelle. I'm a dwarf pigmy goat with whitish light brown fur and a stumpy little tail to match my little hooves and big brown eyes. I've lived in one of the biggest pastures here in Oakland my whole life. I live in a small herd which I call my family, even though they aren't from the same litter, they were good friends of Mom's.

I got up from my tuft of grass and let my eyes adjust to the dull yellow field. It was still early since the sun didn't touch the hill yet and it must have been near the end of summer since the warm weather was becoming cooler and my coat was getting a little thicker. I took a big deep breath and jumped out of the tuft, emerging to the small clearing where Mom was already eating her feed from her bucket.

"It's about time you came from the tuft, what would you like for breakfast?" She asked looking back at me. I could smell the grain in her bucket and that never looked all that appetizing to me, so I settled with something else.

"I'll just have an apple from the apple tree." I said as I started to walk over to the barn where the tree was. I took a seat under the tree and started to munch on an apple that probably fell not too long ago. I got some of the apple juice on my little beard but that was okay, it'll go away eventually.


Me and my friend decided to go out for a run through the creek but she lived in a pasture that was a few minutes away. I hopped through a gap in the fence and trotted down the dirt road. I couldn't wait to run through the water and chase the fish that sometimes swam in there- but I had to stop at an intersection because a neighbor was moving his herd of Dairy cows from his pasture to the milking barn. While I sat here, I looked across the way to see four other pigmies. When my eyes finally managed to focus on them, my jaw nearly dropped when I realized who they were.

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