Shade No. 50

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Shade No. 50

~Arlie P.O.V.~ 

"Everyone needs a strong dose of chill. Especially you, Tilly Beans." I said a she successfully climbed up onto my shoulders. "Can you-"

"Shhh Daddy. I love you between my thighs." The roaring laugh that came from Varo was what made me roll my eyes in sheer annoyance. "So who wants to tell another story? I've got plenty of stories to tell if no one wants to speak up."

"I can always tell another "Nelle Bells and Three little Pigs" story? Featuring yours truly, T-Money, Ty and LJ-"

"Trey, you're not allowed to tell anymore stories." Nelle snapped at Trey. "If anything I need to tell the story of Petty The Sipper and how he drowned himself from sipping so much tea."

"It better include his SMUBNBF Breezy The Panty Ripper, otherwise that's a story that doesn't need to be told." Trey said dapping Breezy. Ivanna was sitting in Breezy's lap at this time just laughing as Natalia was messing with Breezy's hair. LJ was busy burying his legs in the sand with the help of Joel.

"Telling stories is pretty fun, I think I should tell the story of my Pimp glory days." Varo added in.

"No, the last thing we need to hear is how you conquered the pimp game and rose the bar." I said. "Ginot, tell a story about you and your adventures with Varo-"

"Hell fucking no." Varo said. "He'd do me worse than the Midgets in August's story."

"Aye, them Midgets ain't no joke. Feisty lil' asses." August slipped in. "Never take a trip to the Tall Grass unless you're ready for the nonsense that goes on there."

"Okay okay, hold up." Breezy announced. "I think we need a Breezy story but this won't be just any story. I got a bomb ass idea."  Oh no. "At some point y'all lil' kids are gonna have to leave because we all know my language shows no mercy. I'm not guaranteeing you'll have to leave but just be aware." That's already a terrible sign.

"It better be comical, if not I'm claiming redemption on when you took my lambo and got a scratch on it." There was that sip of tea from Trey... doesn't he get tired of that? I swear.

~Let The Shade Begin~

*In The Narration Of Trey*

In a world where shit just never makes sense and pointless nonsense goes on, there was a female by the name of Nelle Bells. For whatever reason, she's center of attention for the sake of this story. In the Oakwood Forest, she lived in a village that would be known as the Ghettos. And if you thought Nelle Bells has learned her lesson from when she encountered the three thugs, you'd be so far from wrong. This female didn't learn jack shit from the last time she was near the woods.

She was married to one of the three thugs at this point. No, it wasn't the voluptuous Sweets who had the powers to make the straightest of females question their sexuality. No, it wasn't Arlie the nigga who's got a temper that for whatever physiologically strange reason turns a lot of females on. She married the truie loving nigga who's stingy about his Audi. Lexis.

On this particular Tuesday morning, Nelle Bells had woken up to the sound of the song birds singing outside her window. Yes, she has a Disney themed alarm clock, so what? She basically lives her life as a fairy tale anyways so *Sip*.


She woke up and noticed Lexis wasn't in bed... I can already guess one reason why but she can't guess that reason so the story progresses. Looking around the room, he was nowhere. She walked to her closet and pulled out yet another dress that looked like it was a slutty Halloween costume you'd see at a college party but then again this is in the Ghettos right next to a large forest.

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