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My life could be summed up in a single word "dwindling".

When I was younger I was burning with talent. At least that's what my instructors told me. Whether it was inside or outside the classroom it seemed that I always excelled at everything without complaint for its difficulty. I want to brag and say I was born another breed but the matter of the fact is I was born weak. That's what made me strong.

Instead of worrying about scolding's that came with not achieving well I was afraid of not being noticed. Most children's parents took notice of their child whether they were failing or passing. Mine were a bit different.

Back when I was still in elementary school I made excuses for them all the time. They're just worried for my future that's why they only recognize me when I've done exceedingly well. By the time I reached sixth grade I realized that it was never about high achievement. Its just that they never really cared.

The most they cared for was being able to wave around my fancy certificates and report cards to my extended family. They never talked more about than in front of them. It was always I was so good at this, so good at that but never about how I was which was the questions asked.

How is she doing?

Oh, did I mention my kid got another hundred on her math test?

How is she doing?

Her soccer team won their third game in a row and she made the winning goal.

How am I doing?

I'm burning up inside with all my talent. Walking in on them as a child as they talked their nonsense made me so happy. They were talking about me. They were looking at me. For fuck's sake they were only looking at themselves.

Then something big happened. Halfway through sixth grade my mom's stomach grew bigger and bigger. She had gotten pregnant with another child. Deep down on the inside I knew this would take a bad turn. That thing would only grow up to be as miserable and aimless as me. Yet...there was something consoling in that.

In my prepubescent mind I was thinking about it might not be so lonely to be miserable to together. And it wasn't. We were both miserable together. My mom took care of my little brother during the day for the most part. She would feed him, change his diapers, and clean him. Though it was only that.

Her 'caring for' was equivalent to taking care of an inanimate object. Even as a kid I was pretty sure you were supposed to humor the thing and talk to it. I was so awkward with it back then. When it would cry and mom would be too busy watching TV I would sit next to him.

He would cry a bit more before stopping then staring at me dead in the eyes. It's still creepy no matter how many times I think about it. We would sit their in silence until I grew the courage to wheel him with his stupid walker to my room.

Depending on my mood that day I might read him a book or two. If I was really into it I'd do pathetic little paper puppet shows that I made with stolen crafting materials from school. When I was in my more depressive moods, or if my parents were fighting again, I'd turn off the lights and turn up the volume on my TV.

Sometimes I'd slip in a movie but most of the time I would play video games. Well 'game' more like it.

It was a simple life we both had going. Before I knew it that sucker was already five.

Junior year of high school my mom took us shopping for a birthday cake. We normally bought he boxed one and made due without any frosting or candles but tonight was special. You see, my little brother had grown prettier than me and it took all the attention from my family.

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