Chapter 44

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- Irma -

The rest of the time passed by smoothly, not counting my lack of sleep of course. Ariana had offered both Kaeya and I sleeping potions she stashed on her for some reason. Our conversation earlier that day had us both on edge. I was worried about my implications. Telling someone they must have something on their mind was normal.

In a way, it was a sign of caring. Though, I guess it was our circumstances and my tone of voice that made him suspicious. I kind of regret working it that way. Or maybe I should've worded it a bit differently. I could've at least sounded a bit more concerned rather than questioning. That's what kept me up apart from the rest of this hell show.

During our shift, when we would cross paths he would smile at me but there was this heavy look in his eyes. This man smiles a lot but he's a smart one. Smart and just as suspicious as me. Admitting that you're willing to commit murder never has a popular response. I don't regret telling him anything.

After thinking about it for a while, I think it was easy because I thought I was doing him a service. If Ariana and I are right and he's working for those damn Phoenix's, then he must be in turmoil with himself. Call it wishful but in our hearts, I think we all know that man is not evil. He tries so hard to fit in, to seem unassuming because he wants people to trust him. Not out of evil intention but out of loneliness.

That's what I think anyway.

And by working for an enemy of Mondstadt, he's turning his back against his second life that he's worked hard to build. It wasn't perfect. There still was too much heaviness in the air after his real father abandoned him and his second father, Diluc's dad, died. His death which Diluc blames him for. But it was a life regardless.

He had friends. He had a job. He had great colleagues and great booze. He had people he looked after like Khlee. It must be hard to abandon something like that. So whatever they're offering him must be twice in value.

When I told him about my story, I did it so that he wouldn't feel bad about what he was doing. Everyone might turn his back away from him if they find out. But...I highly doubt most of them would understand like I do.

My brother died when I was young and my life fell into a painful hell, more than it already was. I stopped looking after myself and my relationships with everyone around me started crumbling. When I graduated high school, the reliability of a set schedule was tossed out the window. Releasing the only sense of stability I had. So I did bad things. Then I did good things to carry bad intentions.

And sooner than later, you'll find yourself sitting alone in a dark room just...going through the motions.

The whole thing is honestly very depressing.

But that's why I understand.

If someone approached me with the chance to change all of it, then I would. I wouldn't even hesitate to answer. Sometimes we make selfish decisions because we're left so heavily traumatized and constantly yearning, that we don't know what else to do.

Actually...that's exactly what I did. Some magical being gave me a second chance in life and I took it. Even if it meant dying elsewhere. And when I woke up in a hospital room, all I could think could I get back?

Ariana and Lumine had been gone for a while now. Maybe a couple since we've switched shifts? It was nice right now though. The raging storms had completely gone now, leaving a still cold air with a soft warm embrace from the sun. I was currently sitting on a blanket of snow at the edge of the mountain.

I wanted to lay back and bathe in the sunlight like a damn lizard but I had a feeling I would be judged. So I didn't.

Soft footsteps crunched behind me. I turned my head enough so I could see Jean approaching. She had a wooden bowl in her hands that emitted a nice cloud of steam. Hmm, breakfast. Thank the gods, I was starving.

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