Chapter 36

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- Lumine -

I know that we were told this was some sort of camp but nothing about this seemed camplike though I guess a battle would do that. Especially when so one-sided. We hid a far ways behind the Dragonspine Adventure camp, crouched behind tall trees with prickling tops. Broken tents were thrown everywhere and scorch marks could be seen along the far stone walls. Crates were left thrown half haphazardly and I'm pretty sure I saw something faintly resembling blood dripping from behind one.

Eula inched forward slowly, "Elias?"
The young man stepped forward and took out his bow. He pulled his back, his back muscles slowly arching. There was a sharp crackling whiz as he released the arrow into the air. It rang through empty space until finally making contact with a broken barrel at the center of the camp. We waited for a moment, seeing if anyone or anything would come out to bite.

When the silence stretched out for a couple minutes Eula finally gave us the all clear to go ahead. Though we still proceeded with heavy caution. Eula and I took the front with Paimon hiding behind me. Elias took out center as archer while the rest of the team stood at the rear as guard.

As we entered the camp I could feel my heart drop again. I tried to look past the dead bodies in front of us and focused on our surroundings. Eula made a swift motion with her hand and we all dispersed. I followed closely behind her as she ducked into one of the tents looking for some sort of sign to what happened here.

I thought it was pretty clear. This place had been attacked and everyone who stayed to fight was dead. Though, I think she was trying to find out more of why it was done. For all we know these people were only after the city so why would they come all the way out here to cause a commotion? I couldn't help but look past the tent and blasted down the wall to the glorious mountain on the other side of the stream.

The freezing mountain was cascaded with a blanket of white on top of its dark poking peaks. At the top I could see roaring, rushing winds, probably some sort of powerful blizzard near its head. Further down the road connecting the camp to the mountain there was a small bridge that was a bit trashed here and there.

Eula let out a defeated huff as she tossed broken things aside, "There does seem to be anything here."

Paimon held tightly onto my arm, "Well, I guess that means we can leave now right? Paimon doesn't want to be here any longer."

She glanced up at the floating silver fruit behind me. I could tell she wanted to tell her something but it wasn't the place or time. We walked out the tent but when we did, no one else was here. Did they find something somewhere?

"Huh? Where did everyone go? Paimon swears she-"


"Captain, watch out!"

The three of us dove to the side as a bright purple slash of Electro hit the empty spot where we stood. I looked up at one of the walls in front of us to find a hooded and masked figure standing there with what seemed to be a crackling whip in one hand. He jumped down from the wall in ease and flicked the whip in his hands threateningly.

I pulled out my sword, ready to face the both of them when the Reconnaissance Captain called out to two others who appeared to our other side.

"Finally," She summoned her Favonius Greatsword and held it high over her head, "Let us cross swords you degenerates! Vengeance shall be mine for all the death that you've caused! Mark my words!"

The other two hooded figures pulled out their own weapons. Both of them held regular swords unlike the unique weapon in front of me. Paimon let out a small shriek as we all readied ourselves. I could hear her rushed breaths as the tension grew in the air. I gently wrapped my fingers tighter against the hilt of my blade.

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