Chapter 11 (Irma)

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I don't know how long we've been running for but it seemed like forever. Just as we were leaving Windrise James saw a glimpse of the Knights of Favonius. Almost a dozen of them where scattering around searching for us. Amongst them there were some very familiar silhouettes. 

On several occasions we did have to stop to catch out breaths. It was a good thing we had such a lead on them or we'd been caught a long time ago. Still, we were cutting it close. I could hear them screaming now.

"Do yo-"

"Yeah, I remember where they are! Can you take care of the slimes? Your sword looks better than mine!"

I nodded. James rushed ahead of me to find the Seelies while I took out my sword. Fuck. I could make our their faces now. Unless James could get all the Seelies in place in less than two minutes I'll be entertaining more than just the Electro slimes underneath the portal. 

Wait a minute. Entertain. I didn't have to beat up the slimes if I had someone else to do it for me. As I reached the tip of Cape Oath I came across this round stone monument dug into the ground. Several electro powered stones zapped around it, attracting a bunch of slimes. Especially one particular chunky one.

God, I hope this works. I picked up a stone from nearby and chucked it at them. 

"Hey you purple looking fat, Oomp-Loompas! Want to see a back flip?"

James froze from where he stood a few yards away. He gave me the most disgusted look he's probably ever given anyone in his entire life. I shrugged. Yeah, I get that reaction out of a lot of people. Most of the time they add a couple curse words in there too.

Ah, shit my plan is working. I screamed bloody murder to keep them on my back.

"Hurry up! Hol-"

Kaeya appeared next to me. He was about to strike when he got a glimpse of the chaos behind me. I ran past him still screaming out random curse words. A bunch of the other knights were steering clear of me and my posse. 

"She's gone insane!" I heard a couple of them yell.

No, you see that implies that I was normal before. I've always been a twisted son of a bitch and I apologize.

Jean stepped forward, "Amber and the rest of you take care of the slimes! Traveler and Kaeya, stay on my guard! The one is yet to be sighted."

I made a quick turn as a regular knight rushed towards one of the smaller slimes that had been following me. I slipped through the defensive cracks of the knights fighting only to find myself barely dodging an arrow to the face. Jesus ch-was it not in the orders anymore not to kill on sight?!

Amber turned her bow away from me to somewhere behind me. I thought she had a change of heart but it was only because Jean had snuck behind me amongst the madness. She pushed her sword forward with a loud grunt and I was thrown forward with such force, if I was in my regular body, I'd be dead.

My body hit the trunk of a tree. I yelled out in pain as my back hit the bark. Pinecones feel around me as Kaeya came to help. I tried to stand but the throbbing pain radiating down my spine was making it hard for me to stand straight.

"Ah..." I whimpered, "Please...I promise you I never wanted to hurt any of you. Please..."

God, I felt so weak pleading at them with tears in my eyes. The thing was that I really meant the weakness that I was showing them. I couldn't beat them in a fight. They both knew that, I knew that, the slimes knew that. 

So all I had left to save me was the sincerity of my heart which at the moment meant nothing to them. And they have no idea how much that hurt me.

What was happening to this place? It was so beautiful when I first woke up on that beach. Now people were fighting all over in the distance. Amber shot arrow after arrow. And these two...

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