Chapter 41

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- Lumine -

Eula's comment filled the room with a lighter air, as everyone smiled to themselves except for Master Diluc. Though, from the few minutes that we've sat together as well as his outside demeanor, I think that permanent scowl on his face is categorized as normal. His fingers no longer restlessly tapped against the base of his arm so I guess that was him being a bit more relaxed.

Master Jean shook her head, "Don't worry, Eula. Judgment shall be cast when judgment is due. As for this plan, do you mind if I make a suggestion?"

Irma let out a sigh of relief. The whole time she was presenting her idea, which was nicely planned out by the way, I could tell that she was incredibly tense. I don't think she's used to being in a leadership position and the fact that she was somehow made a spokesperson between her and Ariana made her nervous. She's doing just fine though. Any regular person would go out running screaming war but she took the time last night to actually think all of this through.

She should be proud of herself.

"Of course, I would actually appreciate any suggestions."

The Acting Grand Master gave her a comforting smile, "Moving unnoticed during night hours; taking a small team to the mountain; and even the routes that you've chosen have been chosen carefully. This I have no argument for but there are a few things that are still on my mind. I'll bring up the first one which I have a solution for and its safety precaution more than anything.

On the first night, we might not have many problems navigating through the terrain since we'll mostly be following main roads outside of Dragonspine then the large one towards our first stopping point. But we have to take into consideration visibility as we make it further up the mountain."

Irma's eyes widened in realization, "Shit! You're right. We have to also take into consideration the state of Dragonspine itself."

Master Jean nodded, "A few of the guards protecting us from outside this realm have said that the current position of Dragonspine is quite chaotic. Whatever they've done to the Divine Nail has put the mountain in a deranged state. Harsh snow storms, possible avalanches, deep snow, and very limited visibility. So this is why I propose that we pair off into groups as we move. Attaching ourselves with some sort of safety line once we get to the base of the mountain.

That way, we can tell if our partners have been caught in the storm and prevent anyone from wandering off. It's pertinent that we all stay close together still to keep us from separating. We might know the route we are taking but in weather like this, it's easy for us to get lost despite thinking we know where we're going.

As for pairings; Irma, you will take the lead with the Calvary Captain since you have a better idea of we're we'll be heading. Calvary Captain, you have a good amount of experience on the field so you will be in charge of keeping a look out for anything suspicious then reporting to the rest of us."

Captain Kaeya smiled, "With pleasure."

"Master Diluc, I'll be your partner. I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know Dragonspine as well as I wished. This is why we will be taking the center. Both of the other pairs have someone with knowledge of the mountain so we'll have two pairs of eyes keeping an eye on us, front and back." He nodded, "Ariana, Lumine, and Paimon. That leaves the three of you together. Honorary Knight, Ariana knows the mountain so stay close to her. You two will be in charge of making sure that no one is following us and falling behind."

I nodded. This actually worked well for me. I have to admit I was a bit scared about traveling the mountain, especially since I've never been there before. Now that I've been paired off with Ariana, I would be in good hands. She's the one who prepared us with these maps in the first place and helped with this plan as well. I'm relying on her to show me the way and I'll do my best to listen.

The Traveler: Mondstadt (Genshin Impact)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora