A Peaceful Day: Prt. 1

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- Lumine -

After Paimon had finished wailing her heart out to me. Confessing that she had run away in fear to the Thousand Wind Temp for help, and then leaving everyone else to come save me while she stood on the sidelines. We went inside of this great mansion of this...realm? Paimon tried to explain it to me and it made sense for the most part. What I had trouble wrapping my mind around was that something this wonderful was imaginable. Beings of this world were this powerful.

Ariana had invited us upstairs after we caught up with everyone else but I felt a bit weird snooping around someone's house that I wasn't even close with. Paimon, on the other hand, took the invitation joyously. She was in a good after finding out that Ms. Lisa was fine though...her leg...well...there was only one left.

Master Jean seemed to have taken this all to a heavy heart because the Cavalry Captain informed me that she had passed out. Either from stress or exhaustion. I suspect that it was a mixture of the two. I'm not going to play strong and say that I was on the verge of turning into the same state. It's so hard to get a good day's rest these days.

I gently pat the large aid on my forehead, put there by one of the sisters. Barbara had run herself dry and was off taking a nap somewhere but my wound was actually less severe than we had thought so all I needed was a good clean-up, some stitches, and padding. A good deal if you ask me.

Besides, I'm also in a very good mood as well. Even though our dangers were far from gone. At least for now, it seemed that we were safe. If it's only for today then I'll take it. Somewhere in the kitchen of the mansion you could hear plates clattering and the sound of bubbling oil. Knights shouted over each other but it wasn't a war cry. They were cracking jokes from each other across the room. Their shoulders relaxing just enough for their heads to tilt back as they belted out in laughter.

When we got to the top of the stairs both Irma and Ariana were already coming out of the room. Irma had found her bag and held it across her shoulders. She looked to be in great thought. Whatever conversation they were having must've been important. I was curious but not my place to ask. We'll ask them later when the cheerfulness of the day is gone.

Unlike Irma, Ariana was at full throttle as always. The elf's figures had thinned over the past week but she still acted as if she was on a full heart and stomach. She smiled brightly at Paimon and I and then looped her arms over our shoulders dragging us back down the stairs.

"There you two are! I was looking all over for you!"

Paimon eyes narrowed, "Looking for us? Didn't you tell Paimon that you'd be waiting for us upstairs? How does that count as looking?"

"Hehe! Anyway, I was thinking...why don't we make something special for everyone?! Sort of like an I'M-HAPPY-YOU'RE-NOT-DEAD-CAKE?"


Paimon gave her the same questionable look I was thinking of, "Paimon thinks the name sounds a bit sketchy. I think a regular cake should be fine. But how would that even work? Aren't there like...almost three hundred people?"

Paimon was right. There were almost three hundred people here to feed. If we wanted to make enough for everyone we would have to bake...well, one cake feeds how many people usually? Eight? Then if we multiply that by....around a forty? That means we would...wait, am I doing this math right?

Okay so if we have three hundred people and if a cake feeds eight, then do we multiply or would we divide the number of servings per usual cake by the total number of people? Or was it the other way around? Do we divide the total number of people by-Uh...my head is spinning. Just thinking about it was making my head hurt.

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