Chapter 45

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- Irma -

I had expected to find Ariana with her head ripped off. Maybe a couple limbs thrown about here and there but what I saw was even more horrific. Ariana's boy dropped to the ground as a hefty stone spear stuck out the neck of the monster that had snatched her. Its mouth was left open as if in mid scream as it fell onto the ground its blood spurted out of its body in a dark shade of purple.

Five other beasts surrounded their dead comrade then looked over at us with rage-ful snarls.

I couldn't stop staring at Ariana. The hood of her coat had been ripped off and her body seemingly unharmed. What was disturbing me was that she was soaked in blood from the beast. Her eyes were shut tight as she whipped away the thick fluid from her eyes. Even her hair was matted back, blonde now a dark purple.

Horrific just as it was disgusting.

"That's absolutely disgusting. Did you get some in your mouth?"

She blinked at me heavily, "If I did I'd be puking right now."

Can't judge there. I'd be doing the same. I rushed to her side then whipped away the blood with my gloves. Her eyes were finally clear of the sludge and she could finally see the danger in front of us.

"Ready to prove your worth?"
I glared at her, "Bitch, what worth. You take the four on the left, I'll take the one to the far right."
"Why do you get one and I get four?"
Was she being serious right now?

"Because you're stronger than me?"

She rolled her eyes, "For now."
I'm not even going to try and decipher that. Instead, I focused on the monsters in front of me. Dark energy emitted from the Drifthound's body in smoky waves. Their jaws snapped at the judged us warily. I cursed at myself. And here I thought I'd be fighting dumb beast. If they start pulling out war time strategies, I'm jumping off this mountain myself.

I slowly pulled out my blade but Ariana looked over at me and shook her head. What, did she expect me to fight these damn things in a 1 v. 1 hand to hand combat match? She put her right hand in front of her and I could see her spear glow slightly as she called out to it. All five of the beasts huddled around each other, silently watching us, finding a moment to strike.

What the hell was happening here?

Everything had gone quiet as we waited on each other to make the first move.



A total of ten seconds passed until there was a loud scuffle from the tunnel. Three of the beats turned around to the hole and I drew my sword, automatically knowing that's what we had been waiting for. An opening.

Without saying another word Ariana and I rushed forward. She left while I took the right like we had agreed on earlier. Ariana's spear rushed into her hands and when it did, she spun around on the heels of her feet then launched it into the air again so that it pierced into the body of one of the other beasts. A loud cry filled the air before it fell lightly on the ground, dissolving next the pile of ashes of its friend.

I wasn't as fast or strong as Ariana so I had to be careful. Since we weren't able to use powerful abilities in order not to disrupt the mountain or attract unwanted attention, I had very little skills that I could use.

Ningguang's abilities mostly depend on my aim. If I were to miss, a rush of crystals could hit the mountain wall, caving us all underneath massive piles of snow.

I'm too scared to use Raiden's abilities because of the frenzied state of mind it puts me under. Even now, I could feel the light pull of the corrupt Divine Nail over our heads. If I'm not careful and strain myself too far, I'd turn into a monster myself.

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