Chapter 21

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Wh-where was I? When I opened my eyes there was nothing before. I waited for my eyes to adjust in the dark but nothing happened. As I stumbled around, reaching out into the dark, all I could see was my own body. Not even the ground below my feet seemed to exist.

After a while I stopped cold and let myself fall to the ground. Was this it? Did I die again? I can't believe that I was given a second chance only to die once more. The saddest thing is that I didn't make life much better for myself this time around either, did I? If anything I think I made myself more miserable.

And James...James was gone too.

"Irma! Where are you? I'm scared! Irma!"

That voice. I clutched my chest. No, I was hearing things. He died a long time ago. But...I ran towards the voice of my little brother. There was no way that I was leaving him alone again.

"Juan! Where are you?!"

"Ila! Help me!"

It is him! My heart pounded in my chest as I stopped to look for his voice. From the right? To the left? Shit, I can't think right! His voice echoed all around the empty space and knocked at the corners of my skull. No matter how much we called out for each other or how much I ran, I couldn't find him.

Tears fell from my eyes. No...I can't give up now! I'm not going to loose him again! I just have to be a little louder, a little faster.

A warm hand fell on my shoulder, "Poor thing. Why do you insist on running if you already know there's nothing waiting for you?"

The darkness began to take shape all around me. Soon enough I was sitting on the bed of my old room. There was dirty laundry littering the floor along with dirty dishes. In front of me my computer's screen practically glowed in the dark. A strange figure sat on my chair as they waited for the loading screen for Genshin to finish.

The girl was small in stature with a thing body and her hair...her hair seemed to be made of colorful glass. I looked around my room as her light fractured against the walls and colored the darkness of my room. Was I looking at a god? That's the only way I could describe the thing before me. Something this beautiful couldn't be human.

She let out small laugh. I watched carefully yearning to see her face but for someone I couldn't make out her features. It was almost as if they were blurred out. Censored it you will. What the hell?

"You don't seem too freaked out to see me. I don't know whether to be disappointed or not."

"Who are you? Are you the god that sent me here?"

The girl burst out laughing, "God! Hahaha! You sound just like me! But no, I'm not. Let's just say...I'm the person whose going to take care of you from now on."

What? Take care of me? What was that supposed to mean? And why did she mean when she said I sounded just like her? Did that mean she also was reincarnated into this world like James and I? If that was true and this was death of some kind, then there was nothing we could do to change everything that's happened.

I can't go back and save James. Or take down that silver haired fool who killed him. I started to laugh. I'm so pathetic. Right now I, once again, was thinking of asking someone to help. Am I really not brave enough to even get revenge on my own? Look what it did to me. I ended up dying because I was unable to protect someone yet again.

Only this time there are no more second chances. A familiar noise brought me back to the computer screen. It's finished loading. The girl waved me over as she grabbed the mouse with her right hand then positioned her left on the keys.

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