I've lost it, I'm like a crazy guy

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Taehyung had still no fucking idea what he should do, especially now that he was wrapped in a towel only, realizing that he threw his dirtied clothes into the laundry basket and that his new clothes would be in his room.

In. his. room.

Where Jungkook most probably was still lying in his dried cum.

With a curse, he looked around in the bathroom, thinking about taking the dirty clothes back out of his basket, or just any other dirty clothes. He scrunched his nose in disgust, craving for something fresh on his skin, something that didn't remind him of what a perverted asshat he is.

"I could ask Yoongi", he murmured to his own reflexion, unsure if he ever looked so disturbed than he did right then.

But then, he has to explain it to Yoongi, and Yoongi would JUDGE him for that, and he wasn't ready yet to face his shameful action.

Maybe he should just sneak back and pretend he's asleep...

Jungkook would wake up, see that he had an exciting dream, and Taehyung would still pretend to be asleep, himself squeaky clean, washed off all guilt and traces. That could actually work...

But what if he snuggles back at him if he returns? Would he rub himself on him again?

Taehyung bit his fist in frustration.

No. He can't.

Maybe he goes to sleep in Jungkook's bed instead...lending some clothes from him. But what if Nicha is still there? Biting his nails, he exited the bathroom, needing to at least get dressed somehow.

Too deep in thoughts, he didn't even notice Yoongi first, who almost bumped into him.

"Taehyung", he pulled the other right out of his frantic thoughts, startling him.

"Yoongi", he said a bit too breathless just to exit the bathroom.

"You okay? What's wrong?"

On instinct, Taehyung's eyes dropped to his door, flying right back to Yoongi, desperately trying to say something, ANYTHING, but he just stared awkwardly, probably giving more away this way then if he would have just said anything.

"What happened? Wait..." Yoongi's eyebrows shot up to his hairline, mustering Taehyung, who finally, FINALLY had some words at the tip of his tongue.

"Is Nicha still here?"

Yoongi shook his head "No, she went home a few hours ago. I saw Jungkook bid her goodbye as I was getting something to drink....Hold up..."

Taehyung may swallowed too fast, almost choking on his spit.

"Tae...what in the world...! What exactly DID happen?"

Knowing his best friend too well, he knew, Yoongi won't let him leave alone till he spilled.

So he grabbed his hand and pulled him into Yoongi's room, closing the door.

"Let me guess...Is Jungkook in your room?"


"Tae! I told you to lock the door! Or just tell him!"

"I don't think he has any control over it!"

"But then lock the door!"

"I forgot!", he hissed.

Yoongi took the other in again, flushed face, freshly showered. Taehyung wouldn't go to take a shower at mornings on a free weekend, especially not after partying, and he's sure the other already had a shower before he went to bed. Sio he wouldn't, unless...

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