Everything's a mess, living like beep

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Taehyung felt like crying, so he did, soaking his pillow and his shirt he was wearing, hoping that he would wake up the next day and everything would be as before. Him not THAT aware of his feelings, him not feeling guilty to had some somno experience with a taken straight guy, him not knowing said guy's girlfriend is really cheating on him.

Looking at his phone, he gasped at the number his phone clock was showing, he was sure he cried for at least an hour, but his phone showed that barley fifteen minutes passed. This is gonna be a long long long-

It knocked at his door, and he was suddenly aware that there is still a party going on outside, with PEOPLE and HIM and that he can't just stay in his room pretending that he doesn't exist. On the other hand-

"Tae? It's me, Jimin."

Right. His friends were here as well.

Jimin was EXACTLY what he needed right now.

A bubbly cheerful comforter who gave the best hugs (Well, right after Jungkook, who was just the perfect big spoon, and- Oh god, he shouldn't think again about it.)

Taehyung shot up from bed, creaking a meagre "coming" maybe only to distract himself from thoughts, opening the door only a bit, suspicious that there might be more people standing in front of his door, but it was only Jimin.

So he let him in.

"Hey bear", Jimin smiled, walking inside, closing the door carefully.

Taehyung didn't wait till the other turned around properly, hugging him immediately.

Jimin chuckled, shifted to get his arms better around the other, hugging him close without asking anything, stroking his back.

"Jimin...I feel so lost", h sniffed.

Jimin hummed "I figured. Let's sit?"

Taehyung nodded, letting go of the other to sit down on his bed, crossing his legs, while the other sat down to mirror him.

"Want to talk about it? You were odd since yesterday."

"You noticed?"

"Of course I did", Jimin rolled his eyes "I'm your best friend."

Taehyung nodded again, playing with his ring.

"So? It's about Jungkook, am I right?"

The other inhaled sharply, looking at him, letting himself fall backwards into his pillow.

"God, yes. It's all about him."

Jimin crawled over the bed to lie down next to the other, crossing his arms behind his head.

"What happened?"

"A lot", Taehyung looked at the white ceiling, eyes following the faint yellow spot there, a tear flowing down his cheek "I don't even know where to begin", he chuckled.

"hmm...Maybe with your feelings?"

"They are all over the place."


"...Maybe deeper."

Jimin propped himself onto one elbow, lying sideways.

"So you really are in love with him, huh."



"I know it's stupid, Jimin", he faced the other "he has a girlfriend, and is straight, but I want him. I really do. And, his unconsciousness somewhat wants me too, or at least my ass, or-"

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