I'm swearing on the streets

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Maybe this was what superman felt when he had to leave krypton. Maybe this was how Mumble felt when he was banned from his penguin pack. Jungkook felt sick to the core, fearing to be homeless in a few after taking advantage of his sleeping roommate, after they find out about it and KNEW.

Jungkook paced around in panic, rethinking his life choices.

Maybe this was karma.

Mayb he was the one at fault after all, who ruined his and Mingyu's friendship.

Maybe it was him all along who pushed Nicha away and into the arms of another man. Maybe it was his fault to leave his original path to be a banker to selfishly choose something else.

Maybe this was some twisted final destination he was in, fate who told him that he failed in life.

Maybe he was the villain all along.

"Jungkook", he heard Taehyung's voice from outside, and his knocking "open the door."

"No!", Was Jungkook's first thought and equally his answer, fear making him sweat.

He shouldn't want the things he can't have.

Shouldn't want Taehyung so fucking much.

"Open. The fucking. Door."

Should he flee through window that led him to the balcony? Sneak out later? But what then?

Jungkook started to slap his own cheek.

"Man up. Man the fuck up. Face your mess", he mumbled to himself.

"If not for you, then do it for Taehyung", his heart hurt, tears brimming his eyes.

With a deep heavy breath he walked to the door and opened it, looking down to his feet.

"Are you okay?"

Jungkook's eyes shot up. This was unexpected "Huh?"

Taehyung cupped the others cheek with one hand, and Jungkook had difficulty to not melt into it.

"Listen...I am not mad. Maybe shocked, okay?"

"You're...not?" Jungkook's eyes were wide in surprise.

"No", Taehyung shook his head "You can't control yourself when you are sleepwalking. It's not your fault."

"Oh", realisation hit Jungkook. Taehyung thought he did it during one of his sleepwalking moments.

"B-but I...k-kissed...", he cursed his stuttering self.

"I know."

Jungkook gulped, his face completely red.

"I didn't realize it myself, since I was drunk sleeping, but what I do know, is that you are a good kisser", Taehyung joked, and it made Jungkook's heart a bit lighter. Taehyung liked the kiss.

"Hold up, so you kissed?"

Just now did both of them notice Yoongi standing behind them.

"It was while we were both sleeping. I was dreaming, and he was sleepwalking", Taehyung glared at Yoongi "right?", he looked back at Jungkook.

"Yeah", he breathed out, not able to resist taking the easy out of this mess "exactly."

"See? It was our unconscious."

Yoongi frowned "guess you're both unconsciously really drawn to each other."

"ANYWAY", Taehyung chuckled, dropping his hand "I thought you found yourself a hook up?"

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