Throw your hands up, scream

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Oh, Jungkook really did embrace it. A week of Jungkook and Taehyung passed with them enjoying their young love in all its intensity, costing the honeymoon phase out. They slept in the same bed every night, worked out together (Well, Jungkook was doing push ups, while Taehyung was sighing or drooling watching him, or laid right under his body to earn a peck with every lowering of his body before he pushed back up.)

They had sex like horny rabbits, on every surface of their apartment to Yoongi's disgust and to his annoyance, because they were so fucking loud, and loud while fucking.

And they were even gross while eating. Yoongi was one day on his dinner with the two, Taehyung sitting (of course) in Jungkook's lap, feeding him some food, that Jungkook sometimes offered back right from his mouth, which Taehyung sucked out of it with a moan. Yoongi threw his chopsticks into his bowl "You are disgusting."

But the joy between them was infectious, so even if Yoongi had all reason to be fed up with them (especially after he found that very impressive poem about Taehyung's 'peachy butt' laying on the table that Jungkook wrote in all its admiring details) he couldn't help but to smile each time they were snuggled up on the couch to watch some series, or sharing sleepy kisses during breakfast, or, god, when they started teasing each other just to Jungkook chase the other down in the end, who run away under screaming and laughter. And if they had to part ways on the street because of work, Jungkook bumped more than once into a pole as he was still looking at Taehyung charmingly, unable to tear his eyes away as he walked away backwards.

God, they were so damn cute that Yoongi spent hours to write songs about them.

What can he say, they were a source of inspiration.

Even the butt poem felt inspiring.

There was only one thing bugging Taehyung in the back of his head. Jungkook didn't tell anyone yet that they were dating. Except for Felix. Who already knew they liked each other before they knew it themselves.

So he doesn't count.

It was a quite boring day on his donut parlour, as Taehyung thought about a new plot while waiting for customers. Only ten more minutes and he will be done with work, eager to go home and spend time with Jungkook again.

Seemed as if he didn't have to wait that long to spend time with his lover.

His eyes lit up, when he saw Jungkook nearing the donut shop.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, his wide smile so big, it seemed to light up the whole area.

"Oh hi", Jungkook smirked charmingly "I'm here to buy donuts of course, what else?"

"hmm, I see. Which one would you like, sir?"

Jungkook leaned flirty against the counter "What can you recommend?"

"We have some Halloween special. Limited edition. Like these pumpkin ones for example. Outside crisp, inside creamy and juicy."

"Mmh, sounds delicious, can I have a bite?"

Taehyung leaned closer "I don't know, you should pay first"

"Can I pay with kisses?"

"Kisses only?", he sighed "fine."

"What, do you rather want to have something else?"

Taehyung smirked "A lollipop on top would be nice."

"Oh, I can give you a lollipop. A big one. Can even put some donuts around it, if you want", he licked his lips.

" that what you are buying these donuts for?"

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