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A small, quiet office sat at the end of a maze-like hall, with walls painted a pristine white, floors a polished gray marble, and air filled with a subtle scent of lemon. Ricky, a well-known K-pop idol, nervously waited for the verdict of his lawyer, Hanbin, seated in one corner.

The door opened, and Hanbin walked in with a calm but authoritative presence. As he took a seat across from Ricky, he sighed. "What the hell have you done?" he asked, tossing his phone screen towards Ricky.

The screen played a video broadcast titled:

Shen Ricky, a popular soloist, is under fire with Jo Yuri's fans as multiple pictures popped up of him being a creep towards the female actress as described by Withers-.

Hanbin switched the phone off with a look of irritation and glared at Ricky.
"Well?" he asked, and Ricky shifted in his chair nervously."Hyung, they're all lies!" he whined a  small pout fading onto  his face. "I never would do that!"

Hanbin sighed, and Ricky's mood dampened even more .

"However," Hanbin continued "the  circumstances don't matter. The only thing that matters is what's going to save your ass." Ricky tilted his head, raising an eyebrow."And?" he asked, not understanding Hanbin's point.

Hanbin leaned forward and looked Ricky in the eye."You're going to be in a fake relationship ," he said calmly, and Ricky's eyes widened as he processed his lawyer's words.

Ricky's eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open in disbelief. "W-what?" he asked finally.Hanbin just stared at him, his expression unchanging. He was used to Ricky's over-the-top reactions."I'm sure you've heard of the saying, 'fake it till you make it?" Hanbin explained, shifting in his chair and crossing his legs."But, but, who am I going to be in a fake relationship  with?" Ricky asked, sounding both confused and upset."That's the only hiccup no one is going to want to date someone deemed to be a creep even if they are going to be paid", Hanbin groaned pinching his nose bridge whilst leaning back into his leather chair . "And we need someone we can trust", Ricky chimed in a groan also slipping out of his mouth.  "Don't you have a best friend orsomething that can help you out?", Hanbin inquired an eyebrow quirking up as he gazed at the blond. "Well I don't have any single friends ", Ricky responded shamefully looking at his laps.

Hanbin's expression changed slightly as he saw Ricky's upset expression. He sighed, scratching his head."I do have an idea, but it's a bit..
unconventional", he said cautiously.

The blond perked up, his eyebrows raising in interest."What do you mean",he asked with a slight smile. Hanbin leaned forward in his seat, meeting Ricky's eyes. "Well, I could ask my assistant to help you out."

"Your as-?" Ricky's voice trailed off, and he gave Hanbin a confused look. "Wha- who's is my date?". Hanbin smirked at Ricky's disbelief. "My assistant's name is Gyuvin. You will be in a  fake relationship  with him", Hanbin continued confidently 

."Your assistant is a m- man??", Ricky stuttered, unable to hide his shock. Hanbin's smirk grew slightly bigger. "What?" Ricky asked, confused. "A guy? You want me, a guy, to go on a fake date... with your ASSISTANT?" The blond gave his lawyer a bewildered look, and Hanbin just nodded in response.

Ricky's eyes still widened in surprise, as he stuttered nervously while looking at Hanbin, "I, what? Well, I'm not into, I mean I've never-" Hanbin cut him off with a look of amusement. "Oh, don't worry. This is just a fake relationship to fix your reputation and to buy me some time ," he explained."And i think you guys will get aling well ," Ricky remained silent for a beat, before responding hesitantly, "Fine then, I guess. I just hope this doesn't get too awkward."

Hanbin's smirk turned into a grin as he looked Ricky in the eye. "Don't worry, it'll be fine," he said confidently. "Just trust me." Ricky nodded softly and looked down at his lap. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before looking up at Hanbin again with a nod. "You're right, it'll be fine," he said with a nod. "Let's just get this over with." With a slight frown, Hanbin reached for his phone and started dialing a number. "Just give me a minute."

Ricky listened in curiously on the phone conversation, trying to decipher the words of the talking heads.As the call played, Hanbin sounded confident, almost excited, as he spoke into the phone. The blond couldn't decipher most of the words, but he could still sense that Hanbin was excited, and he even recognized Gyuvin's name being mentioned. Ricky furrowed his brow, opting to wait for the man to come to the office if he even agreed to this ridiculous plan

Sooner or later footsteps faded into the room snapping Ricky out his trance as a tall man  confidently entered the room .  "YOU!?," Ricky exclaimed eyes  widening at the sight "Hell no," Gyuvin blurted confidence long thrown out of the window.  "Hyung!", The dog like man and cat like man whined turning to the mastermind of the plan who stood dumbfounded.  "You guys know each other ?".

"Hyung he is the guy I told you about ", Gyuvin grumbled dragging himself to take a seat next to blond . Hanbin 's expression flickered from shock , amusement and finally to mischievousness. "It's great you guys know each other it makes everything more simpler ", Hanbin grinned .

"No it doesn't! This dude practically ghosted me for 8 years I dont want to do anything with him", Ricky whined glaring at the tall brunet who just diverted his gaze to a random corner avoiding eye contact. "Damn eight years Gyuvin!?", Hanbin exclaimed before continuing "It doesn't matter now it's either this or you deal with being called a creep"

Ricky groaned hearing the ultimatum eyes drifting from Hanbin to Gyuvin ."Yah Qyubin to do you have a single friend?", Gyuvin perked up after hearing his name eyes finally meeting the blond's . " Yea but they would totally rat you out ", Gyuvin replied extracting a groan from Ricky and a chuckle from Hanbin.  "Looks like you guys are dating".

"Looks like it ", The duo groaned glaring at each other. "Oh this is gonna be good", Hanbin mumbled eyes flickering between the duo

 "Oh this is gonna be good", Hanbin mumbled eyes flickering between the duo

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Authors note :
I- hiiii ❤
hope you enjoyed!😸

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