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How can Gyuvin fix this when Ricky is avoiding him?

Gyuvin scowled at Ricky's back, who chose the stairs over the elevator for some mysterious reason. Today, Ricky didn't spare a glance in Gyuvin's direction, not even when he made a comment - he directed it at Gunwook instead.

"Well, that was odd," Gunwook chuckled as they entered the elevator. Odd indeed but Gyuvin knew this was just the beginning

Gyuvin shot Gunwook a sideways glance, his frustration evident. "I don't know what to do, Gunwook. Ricky won't even look at me," he muttered, feeling a pang of guilt for his poorly executed apology.

Gunwook nodded sympathetically. "You need to talk to him, Gyuvin. Face-to-face. No more sticky notes or half-hearted apologies. Show him you're sincere."

Gyuvin nodded, the weight of his mistake heavy on his shoulders. "You're right. I need to make things right."

As the elevator doors closed, Gyuvin made a silent vow to himself to confront Ricky and apologize properly, determined to mend their friendship and regain Ricky's trust.

If only the man would talk to him!

On Tuesday morning, the atmosphere in the office remained tense as Gyuvin and Ricky continued to tiptoe around each other, their unresolved conflict casting a shadow over the day ahead.

As Gyuvin settled into his desk, he couldn't help but steal glances in Ricky's direction, hoping for some sign that their friendship could be salvaged. But Ricky remained focused on his work, his demeanor distant and aloof.

Determined to break the silence, Gyuvin mustered up the courage to approach Ricky once more. "Hey, Ricky," he began tentatively, "can we talk?"

Ricky glanced up from his computer, his expression guarded. "I'm kind of busy right now, Gyuvin. Can it wait?" he replied curtly.

Gyuvin felt a pang of disappointment, but he nodded understandingly. "Sure, no problem. Just let me know when you're free," he said before retreating back to his desk.

While Gyuvin grappled with the tension in his friendship with Ricky, Gunwook, the ever-watchful observer, couldn't help but find amusement in the unfolding drama. As Gyuvin attempted to initiate conversations and navigate the strained atmosphere, Gunwook, from his vantage point, found it impossible to contain his laughter.

At one point, as Gyuvin made another cautious attempt to approach Ricky, Gunwook's laughter bubbled up, echoing through the office like a mischievous soundtrack.

Gyuvin shot him a reproachful look, his frustration evident. "This isn't funny, Gunwook. Ricky is still avoiding me, and I have to fix this."

Gunwook, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, managed to stifle his amusement momentarily. "Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, attempting to compose himself. "But seriously, Gyuvin, you've got to admit, this is like a soap opera. I can't wait to see how it unfolds."

Gyuvin rolled his eyes, torn between annoyance and amusement. "Well, I'm glad my misery is entertaining for you," he retorted.

On Wednesday, the atmosphere in the office remained thick with tension as Gyuvin found himself still on the receiving end of Ricky's silent treatment. The attempts at reconciliation had yielded little progress, leaving Gyuvin increasingly sullen and disheartened.

As he slouched in his chair, scrolling through work emails with a dejected expression, Gunwook couldn't resist poking fun at the ongoing saga. "Gyuvin, you're wearing the look of a man who's lost a bet or two. How's the silent treatment going?"

Gyuvin shot him a glare, his sulky demeanor further accentuated. "It's not funny, Gunwook. I've tried everything, and Ricky won't even acknowledge my existence."

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