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After their hilarious paddleboat adventure, Ricky and Gyuvin strolled towards a cozy lakeside bar, the sun setting in a cascade of warm colors behind them.

"This place looks nice," Ricky remarked, peering at the menu outside. "What do you think, Qyubin? Any drinks you'd like to enjoy tonight?"

Gyuvin raised an eyebrow, scanning the menu. "How about we try the 'Pretend Paradise Punch'? It's bound to be a hit among fake couples."

They settled at a small table on the patio, surrounded by fairy lights and the gentle buzz of other patrons. The server approached, and Ricky immediately put on his practiced smile which gyuvin giggled to but nevertheless what would he know?.

"We'll take two Pretend Paradise Punches, please and add umbrellas."

Gyumin chuckled, playing along. "Yes, and can mine have a hint of tropical breeze?"

The server couldn't help but chuckle. "Coming right up, gentlemen."

As they sipped their fruity, colorful concoctions with exaggerated satisfaction, they engaged in their usual banter, fabricating stories about their 'relationship' that had nearby tables stifling laughter.

"Remember the time we went 'skydiving'?" Ricky grinned mischievously.

"Oh yes, that time we jumped off the couch with a bedsheet parachute," Gyuvin added with a smirk. "Quite the adrenaline rush."

Their playful back-and-forth continued as they shared fake anecdotes, each one more absurd than the last.

As the night deepened, their laughter echoed through the bar, drawing curious glances and smiles from other patrons. With each fabricated tale, Ricky and Gyumin found themselves relishing the joy of their fabricated relationship, each moment cementing their friendship further.

The night wore on, its somber veil casting a melancholic shadow over Ricky and Gyuvin's reunion. The moon, usually a beaming beacon of hope, seemed tainted by the weight of their unresolved history.

They found themselves in a secluded corner of the lakeside, away from the laughter and merriment that had initially engulfed them. In this solitude, the stars twinkled above, reflecting in the dark abyss of the lake's surface.

Ricky's laughter, once vibrant and infectious, now held a touch of bitterness. He raised his glass to his lips, his eyes glazed over with a mix of alcohol-induced haze and unshed tears. The liquid inside swirling like a dark vortex, mirroring the whirlwind of emotions within him. His voice trembled as he spoke, his words both a challenge and an accusation. "You're quite the chameleon, aren't you, Qyubin?"

Gyuvin's eyebrows furrowed, his features etched with concern. He was taken aback by the sudden change in Ricky's demeanor. "What do you mean by that?"

The question hung heavy in the night air, the silence pregnant with tension. Ricky's voice broke through the stillness, the hurt that simmered beneath his words palpable. "Tell me, Qyubin... why did you disappear? Why did you leave me hanging for eight long, agonizing years?"

Gyuvin's eyes widened, a mixture of guilt and regret flooding his usually composed expression. He searched for words, grappling with the dark memories that resurfaced with Ricky's accusations. "I never meant to hurt you, Ricky. Life took unexpected turns, and I couldn't find my way back."

Ricky's pain echoed in his voice as he continued, his vulnerability laid bare. "But we were more than friends, Gyubin. We were brothers, tied by an unbreakable bond. And just like that, you vanished without a trace." And Ricky will uncover later why his heart ached when he muttered the words brother to Gyuvin

The weight of regret settled in Gyuvin's chest, an unbearable heaviness that threatened to crush him. "I made a mistake, Ricky. I was drowning in my own demons, grappling with my own battles. I thought it was for the best, but I see now that I was wrong."

Tears welled up in Ricky's eyes, a mixture of anger, sadness, and a longing for the past. His voice shook with raw emotion. "Why couldn't you confide in me, Gyuvin? Why did you shut me out when I would have fought alongside you, no matter the cost?"

Gyuvin's gaze dropped, his remorse etching lines of regret on his face. "I was terrified, Ricky. Terrified of burdening you with my pain, of appearing weak. I convinced myself that distance was the solution, but now I see the damage it caused."

Ricky's voice rose in intensity, his fists clenched at his sides. "How could you think that keeping your distance was the answer? We've been through everything together, Gyuvin. We've faced obstacles and overcome them as a team. But you pushed me away like I'm some kind of burden."

Gyuvin's eyes pleaded for forgiveness, but Ricky couldn't bring himself to soften. "You know what really hurts, Gyuvin? It's not just the fact that you shut me out. It's the way you've been treating me since you came back. You act like nothing happened and it irritates me so fucking much!".

Gyuvin hung his head, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear."

Ricky let out a bitter laugh, his anger turning to frustration. "It's too late for apologies, Gyuvin. You can't just undo months of neglect with a few words. We need to work on rebuilding our friendship, but it won't be easy."

Gyuvin nodded, his eyes filled with regret. "I understand that, Ricky. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Ricky sighed heavily, wiping away a tear that had escaped his eye. "I don't know if I can forgive you yet, Gyuvin. But I promise I'll try."

Gyuvin's outstretched hand hovered in the air, hesitating to make contact with Ricky's arm. "Thank you, Ricky," he said softly, his voice laced with genuine gratitude.

As they sat in silence, profound words hanging in the air, their thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of a camera click. Gyuvin turned towards the direction of the noise, his eyes widening in alarm. "You heard that?" he whispered to Ricky, concern furrowing his brow.

Ricky's gaze hardened, his instincts kicking in. "Someone's been watching us," he replied quietly, his voice sharpened by suspicion.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away, Jiwoong smirked devilishly as he studied the picture he had just taken. He knew the significance of what he had captured, and the potential impact it could have. Making his way back to his car, he couldn't help but imagine the satisfaction of delivering this information to Mr. Park.

"Let's see how long they will last".

"Let's see how long they will last"

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Authors note :

Well school's are opened so probably expect updates during weekends :]

Oh and also thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on the story and has continued to read the story! 💕💞

It's truly heart warming , toe curling how so many iconic people have read the story 🙈😽

116 votes and 3k reads!!!! Ahhhhhhhh thank you so so so much! <33

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