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The morning light streamed through Ricky's bedroom window, instantly assaulting his sensitive eyes. As he groggily rolled over in bed, his brain slowly woke up, piecing together last night's events. And as the memories flooded in, Ricky couldn't help but feel a cringe-induced shiver run down his spine.

"Oh my god, why did I have to embarrass myself like that?" Ricky muttered, his voice filled with regret and disbelief. He buried his face in his pillow, hoping to escape the lingering embarrassment, but it clung to him like a persistent mosquito.

Just as Ricky was about to wallow further in self-pity, he forced himself out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen. Still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he was greeted by an unexpected sight: a bright yellow sticky note stuck to the fridge door.

Ricky's eyes widened in surprise as he read the words scrawled messily on the note, resembling a toddler's handwriting.

"Sorry?... SORRY!?" Ricky exclaimed, his voice laced with incredulity and irritation. He stared at the yellow sticky note attached to the fridge, a mixture of disbelief and amusement crossing his face. In big, bold letters, it simply read, "Ricky, I'm sorry... - Gyuvin."

Ricky's eyes blinked slowly as the words rolled off his tongue. "Sorry," he mused, the word dripping with sarcastic disbelief. "Oh, how generous of him to express his remorse in such a profound, heartfelt way," he added, his voice oozing with biting sarcasm.

Just as Ricky was about to tear the note apart in frustration, his best friend, Matthew, burst into the kitchen with his signature comedic timing. He took one look at the sticky note and couldn't resist a snarky comment.

"Looks like Gyuvin's apology game is strong," Matthew quipped, a mischievous grin playing on his face. "I mean, who wouldn't forgive someone with such an eloquent 'Sorry' message, right?"

Ricky shot Matthew a glare, but a reluctant smirk betrayed the amusement hidden beneath his irritation. "Yeah, because nothing says sincere remorse like a fridge note masterpiece," Ricky retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Curious to see hao's take on this," Matthew chuckled before disappearing into his room.


"HE DID WHAT!?" Hao burst out laughing at the absurdity of the apology, remnants of pie landing on Ricky's face.

Ricky wiped the pie remnants off his face, a mix of irritation and amusement in his expression. "Seriously? Gyuvin thinks 'Sorry' is an art form now?"

Hao continued to chuckle, struggling to contain his amusement. "You have to admit, it's a bold move. Simple and to the point."

As the laughter subsided, Ricky couldn't help but join in. "Fine, fine, Gyuvin's apology masterpiece deserves a standing ovation. Bravo," he said, mockingly applauding the air.

Just then, Matthew reappeared from his room, catching the tail end of the laughter. "What did I miss?" he asked, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Only the most profound apology in the history of sticky notes," Ricky replied, holding up the yellow message with a dramatic flourish.

Matthew burst into laughter, completing the trio's morning comedy routine, setting the tone for a day filled with shared jokes and the camaraderie that defined their friendship.

Amidst the laughter and shared amusement, Matthew leaned in, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Alright, spill the tea, what else is going on? Any other juicy details we need to know?"

Hao leaned in, a conspiratorial sparkle in his eyes that hinted at secrets only an idol could know. "Okay, prepare yourselves for the backstage drama of the century. It's like a K-drama, but real and unfolding within our very own company."

Ricky and Matthew exchanged wide-eyed glances, leaning closer with anticipation. "Tell us moreeee, Hao. We're ready for the blockbuster storyline," Matthew exclaimed.

With theatrical flair, Hao began narrating a tale filled with rivalries, clandestine collaborations, and a scandal involving a mysterious idol from another group that had set the entire entertainment industry ablaze. As he spoke, the trio found themselves transported into a world of glittering stages, hidden alliances, and the kind of jaw-dropping drama that kept fans refreshing their social media feeds.

Ricky couldn't resist adding a touch of dramatic commentary. "This is better than prime-time television! Someone get these idols an award! I mean, this is even better than my scandal."

As they continued to unravel the twists and turns of the idol saga, someone else was in the midst of a completely different kind of drama - dodging flying pillows.

As the pillow collided with Gyuvin's face, he cowered in fear, his eyes widening with regret. Taerae's anger burned fiercely as he advanced towards Gyuvin, his voice filled with righteous indignation.

"How dare you think a mere sticky note can solve this mess?" Taerae seethed, his fists clenched tightly. "Ricky poured his heart out to you, and this is how you repay him? With a pathetic sorry on a sticky note?"

Gyuvin's nervousness escalated as he stuttered, desperately trying to explain himself. "I-I didn't know what else to do, Taerae hyung! I was too scared to face him... I thought the sticky note would at least show him I care!"

Taerae scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, congratulations, Gyuvin! Your sticky note just screams 'I care'! How about showing some actual remorse and taking responsibility for your actions?"

Yujin, who had remained silent until now, stepped forward with disappointment etched on his face. "Hyung, you shouldn't have run away from Ricky in the first place. He trusted you enough to confide in you, and you let him down."

Gyuvin's shoulders slumped in shame as he realized the extent of his blunder. "I... I messed up, guys. I should have handled things differently. I just panicked."

Taerae's glare softened slightly, though his voice still held a hint of anger. "Well, it's too late to change what happened, but you owe Ricky a sincere apology, Gyuvin. No more sticky notes or half-hearted gestures."

Yujin chimed in, his tone somewhat forgiving. "Agreed, hyung. It's time you face up to your mistakes and make things right with Ricky. He deserves a heartfelt apology, face to face."

How the heck was he going to fix this? sigh

Author note:Yk what's funny? This story is low-key close to finishing like we are left with 10-15 chapters I think?😭

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Author note:
Yk what's funny? This story is low-key close to finishing like we are left with 10-15 chapters I think?😭

Plus I hate being a divorced kid shimkongz come backkk😔

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