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How to survive a fake relationship with the guy you ghosted for 8 years

Tutorial by Kim Gyuvin

"So your telling me your in a fake relationship with a guy you ghosted for like 8 years  am I right?", Yujin chuckled disbelief written all over his face as he followed a frantic Gyuvin pacing around the room ."And today is the date of  your planned date but you can't find an outfit and that's why you called us here right?", Taerae chimed in also following Gyuvin's movements scepticism leaking through his words as he side eyed Yujin who mirrored his actions a big sigh leaving their mouths as they locked eyes . "How do you even find yourself in these type of situations ", Yujin groaned shaking his head in disappointment. "Look you guys know the details already just help me pick an outfit for an amusement park date ", Gyuvin whined pulling out two shirts from his closet

Taerae and Yujin both went over to Gyuvin. "This one looks good," Taerae said, picking up a shirt with a design on it. "Yujin, you agree with me, correct?"

"No it's too much ", Yujin drawled the end of his sentence distaste seeping through his face as he picked another shirt "All of your shirts are shit hyung  ", Yujin concluded eyes drifting back to Gyuvin. "How do you not have even one decent shirt", Yujin deapanned hands resting on his hips as he glared at the older man .

Embarrassed by the vile words from his son  (yes he does think Yujin is his son but could you blame him?) "Yah! yujin-ah are you saying my style is shit?", Gyuvin frowned . Sure his style may rival with a homeless guy's but still saying he doesn't have ANY good clothes is going too far . "I kinda agree Gyuvin", Taerae sighed throwing himself on Gyuvin's bed . "You too?", Gyuvin whined lips curving into a pout as his eyes dropped to the two shirts in his hands.

Both were black shirts the only thing differentiating them was that one had a military print theme going on for it while the other....had a strawberry with a cats face on it in his defence Ricky loves cats so he was sure he wouldn't mind it but yet for the first date?

"Fine what should I do? ", Gyuvin groaned exasperated throwing the black shirts to the other side attention now on his two bestfriends. "Ask  Jiwoong hyung for an outfit ", Yujin suggested immediately extracting a grimace from Gyuvin and Taerae.  "No he has the taste of an old man!", Gyuvin retorted a stifled chuckle slipping from Taerae. " Well we have about an hour before your date let's just thrift something ",Taerae replied pulling out a pair of baggy jeans from Gyuvin's closet  a cheeky grin forming as he threw the baggy jean towards Gyuvin who easily caught the pair of jeans and Taerae's mischievous glint ."Uh oh".

The duo  managed to dress up Gyuvin decently for the date . He wore a pair of baggy jean shorts paired with a baggy red button up shirt making sure to leave some buttons undone to show his white vest tied all together with black shoes , sliver jewellery and a cute  red bag to match his shirt .

"Don't you think this is too much?", Gyuvin pondered fiddling with his sliver hoop earrings. "No?", Yujin smiled at his masterpiece Taerae backing away after fixing Gyuvin's hair ."Now go and don't embarrass us ", Yujin nodded "You have like 20 minutes to get there and don't get my clothes dirty ", Taerae chimed in checking his wrist watch.  "20 minutes !? I won't and bye!".

And just like that Gyuvin found himself in a cab driving towards the Borderland Amusement Park - heading towards where his fake boyfriend is waiting for him. "You seem nervous ", The old man chimed in taking a turn towards the amusement park. "I'm going on a date ", Gyuvin croaked out suddenly feeling nauseous or was it the quick turn the man did without warning?.

"Well I hope you enjoy your date ", The old man smiled warmly accepting his payment from Gyuvin. "I hope so too", Gyuvin replied hesitantly stepping out of the car and closing it .

Waving towards the old man as he drove away the nausea came back hitting him like a train as the situation finally dawned on him

He . was. meeting.  Ricky! on a date..well fake date but still!

Walking towards the the entrance of the amusement park the nausea had shifted into an uncomfortable feeling -something almost familiar to a runny stomach.  Receiving his ticket Gyuvin unlocked his phone messaging Ricky


Bro where the hell are you?


Truly speaking I don't know


What do you mean you don't know!?😦


I was following a map then somewhere along the line something went wrong and I found myself here 😿

I was following a map then somewhere along the line something went wrong and I found myself here 😿

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You still have poor direction skills i see ....but at least your still in the amusement park stay there you lil piece of 💩


eumppappamangoe has gone offline

Gyuvin snorted taking a quick left and walking towards the food market a sly grin making its way on his face as he found a mop of white hair sticking out from the crowd of brunettes like a sore thumb . "There you are!", Ricky frowned finally catching a glimpse of Gyuvin.  Gyuvin just grinned eyes lowering from Ricky's face to his outfit- he looked good!

"Gyuvin!", Ricky's agitated voice snapped Gyuvin out his trance his gaze slowly returning to Ricky's face ."Mmh?".

"Let's start our date", Ricky repeated rolling his eyes as he linked his and Gyuvin's arms together which stunned the dog like man ."What the hell-" "Sorry I thought this would make it more believable but we could stop if you don't want too", Ricky cut off Gyuvin quickly unlinking their arms and walking away from Gyuvin ears  painted scarlet red . "YAH! WHERE ARE YOU GOING! ", Gyuvin yelled out which caused the blond to walk faster . "THE RIDES ARE THE OTHER WAY!"  Gyuvin yelled stopping the blond's movements as he turned around awkwardly " I KNEW  THAT !", Ricky yelled back facing the way Gyuvin had pointed towards walking away leaving Gyuvin behind .  "Sure he did ", He rolled his eyes running after the blond .

  "Sure he did ", He rolled his eyes running after the blond

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Authors note :
Please save Gyuvin!  😭
Hope you enjoyed! 😻❤

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