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The week had been a grueling marathon, with tension and uncertainty clouding Ricky and Gyuvin's minds. As Friday afternoon approached, they both longed for a respite from the chaos and an opportunity to unwind. In a rare playful moment, Gyuvin sidled up to Ricky, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. With a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips, he proposed an idea.

"Hey Ricky, how about we go on a fake date this weekend? Just for the sake of enjoyment and letting go." Ricky's brow furrowed, intrigued yet slightly wary. "A fake date?" Gyuvin nodded, his enthusiasm bubbling over. "Yeah! We can have some lighthearted fun, continue to be a fake couple and forget about the stresses of work and investigations for a while. It can be our own little escape while still working ."

Ricky considered the proposal, a mix of hesitation and curiosity swirling in his mind. The idea of temporarily setting their responsibilities aside and embracing a carefree facade appealed to him. "Okay, let's do it. But where should we even go?"

The boy's eyes practically lit up a cheeky grin tugging his lips as he stared into Ricky's eyes .He should really stop asking the boy these type of questions . "What gyubin?" Ricky mumbled nervous remembering their first "date" . He had the same look back then and back then he had almost lost his life - quite literally no exaggeration.

"A surprise just get ready for the best weekend of your life ", Gyuvin smirked twirling around and leaving Ricky flabbergasted. "What's wrong with him", Ricky scoffed redirecting his gaze towards his work .

The weekend finally rolled in and gyuvin was practically buzzing with excitement while Ricky also buzzed but not with excitement-fear

Ricky squinted at the oversized life jacket Gyuvin handed him, eyebrows arched. "This is a bit much, don't you think? I won't drown in a lake i know how to swim."

Gyuvin chuckled, adjusting his own bright orange vest. "Safety first Kim Ricky ". And Ricky again scrunched up his nose at the nickname choosing to ignore it

They hopped into a brightly colored paddleboat shaped like a swan, which almost seemed offended by Ricky's skeptical look.

"Look, it's a love boat!" Ricky announced dramatically, waving at an elderly couple passing by. "Isn't this romantic, Qyubin?"

Gyuvin steered the boat with practiced control allowing a glance to the old couple before landing onto Ricky's sun bathed side profile. "Absolutely beautiful Kim Ricky"

As Gyuvin glanced at Ricky, he noticed a slight unease flickering across his face. Suddenly, a mischievous idea sparked in the brunette's mind. "Hey, Ricky, let me show you a trick," he said, leaning over the side of the boat, pretending to reach for something.

As Gyuvin leaned further over the side, Ricky's eyes widened in alarm. "Qyubin, stop!" he shouted, reaching out to grab the cheeky bastard, but it was too late. Gyuvin lost his balance and tumbled into the water, dragging Ricky along with him as the boat capsized

Ricky really should learn from his mistakes

Spluttering and laughing, they surfaced amidst the ripples, soaked from head to toe. Gyuvin couldn't help but chuckle despite the situation. "Well, that escalated quickly!"

"You're incorrigible, Qyubin!" Ricky chuckled, wiping water from his face.

Without warning, Ricky scooped up a handful of water and splashed it towards Gyuvin, sending droplets flying in all directions. "Take that!" he exclaimed, laughing heartily as Gyuvin sputtered in surprise.

Gyuvin retaliated, scooping up water and initiating a playful water fight between them. Laughter echoed across the lake as they soaked each other, turning the unexpected capsize into a lighthearted and fun-filled memory.

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