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Authors note : Its exam season soo I might not be able to update upcoming November BUT  December every day I will try to update ! key word: try well that's all enjoy the story!

Oh my goodness! This one is so adorable!", Hao cooed shoving a Polaroid picture in Matthews face who also perked up seeing the picture "AWWW!". "It's really nothing ", Ricky grumbled chewing on his straw.

The trending Polaroid was a remnant of Ricky and Gyuvin's amusement park . In the Polaroid you can see Gyuvin was wearing a silly fake mustache and beard, while Ricky was grinning and trying not to laugh two cat ears settled In his hair  holding a blurry peace sign

"Nothing!", Hao shrieked (thank goodness they got a private room) "It's adorable!", Hao continued eyes drifting to Matthew. "I agree!  you just hate it because it's Gyuvin", Matthew chuckled taking another bite of his pasta ."No it's just a horrible picture of me ", Ricky retorted snatching the polaroid from Zhang Hao. "Whatever you say mate ", Matthew snorted taking a sip of his wine. "Enough of Ricky and his lover boy let's actually get to the reason we are here", and with that Hao managed to quieten the lively atmosphere brown eyes glinting with mischief. 

Shit what's happening with this one", Hanbin chortled tears streaming down his cheek as he shakily held a polaroid picture "You were done wrong in this one ", He wheezed fanning himself. "Gee thanks bro", Gyuvin rolled his eyes taking a seat next to the man ."Now why did you come to my house ". "To get your help ", Hanbin panted closing his eyes to supress more giggles. "On what", Gyuvin deadpanned clearly not amused by Hanbin and this seemed to be the breaking point of the older boy "BAHASA OH MY GOSH BRO WHY THAT POSE?",He cackled eyes creasing at the ends mimicking Gyuvins pose . "You clearly don't need my help". "No sorry", Hanbin giggled "It's great your getting closer to Ricky". "Tsk Hanbin hyung what do you want from me?", Gyuvin narrowed his eyes ."A favour " Hanbin drawled expression painted with mischief .

"A favor? What could you possibly need? " Gyuvin asked, slightly confused but still playing along with the conversation. Hanbin thought for a moment, trying to choose his words carefully in order to not raise any suspicions. "There's something I need to know," Hanbin said, his tone becoming more serious. "And I think you can help me." Gyuvin raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Hanbin's request. "What is it?".

"I want you to gather information on Park Jaehyun by going undercover,"  Hanbin said bluntly. Gyuvin was taken aback by this request, but he did not seem to be suspicious or surprised entirely either."Lawyers do undercovers!?". "Gyuvin focus!" ."Sorry but I thought that only happened in TV shows like Vincenzo ".

Decoding Habin's glare Gyuvin  quietend down imitating a zipping motion before quickly unzipping  "what exactly do you want to know about him and why him?" There was an undercurrent of excitement and interest in Gyuvin's voice as he continued to probe for more information from Hanbin.

"I suspect him to be the individual who is targeting Ricky," Hanbin revealed. Gyuvin's interest seemed to intensify at this revelation. He sat up in his chair, now fully leaning forward and listening intently to every word Hanbin had to say. "What makes you think that, exactly?" Gyuvin asked, leaning closer to Hanbin. The excitement was evident on Gyuvin's face, as he was now deeply involved in the mystery of Park Jaehyun. He was eager to hear more .

"It's just a hunch," Hanbin admitted. "But I have a feeling that Park Jaehyun is somehow involved in all this." Gyuvin tilted his head slightly to the side, intrigued by Hanbin's words. He thought for a moment, trying to figure out the solution to this mystery that had been presented to him. "And what exactly do you want me to find out about this person?" Gyuvin asked, his curiosity and interest growing as the conversation continued.

Hanbin took a moment to think. He wanted to make sure he gave Gyuvin precise instructions. "I want you to look into his background," he explained. "Any ties to criminal activities or shady organizations. Also, I want you to check for any personal grudges he may have against Ricky or anyone in the industry. Finally, see if he has any suspicious behavior or actions that seem off." This seemed like a rather extensive request, but Gyuvin did not hesitate in his efforts to assist Hanbin. After all, he cared about Ricky (even if he was a douche ) and was highly invested in this investigation.

Gyuvin nodded in understanding. "I see," he said, his expression becoming more focused and determined. "I will do my best to gather information about this person and his activities. I will be sure to send you anything that I find." This seemed to satisfy Hanbin's request. He seemed satisfied, but still held a bit of trepidation about Gyuvin's mission. After all, Gyuvin would be putting himself in danger by going undercover and dealing with a potentially dangerous individual."Bring Ricky with you and I will assign someone to come with you ".

Okay-pause going undercover Gyuvin was fine with that , going undercover for Ricky?  He was okay with it BUT going undercover with Ricky is a big  "Heck no Hyung! ", Gyuvin whined "Ricky would just pull me down " ."If only he was here to hear you say that" ."Anyway" Gyuvin gritted "It's dangerous for him also! ". "Few makeup touches here and there and you wouldn't even recognise him", Hanbjin shrugged.

"A few!?" Gyuvin scoffed rolling his eyes "Explain to me what a few makeup touches mean" . "Well maybe a new hair colour like black " "As if he is gonna agree to that ", Gyuvin scoffed "A few moles here and there and maybe we cover the tattoo and the rest? the make up artist will see". "Your hopeless ", Gyuvin shook his head .

"Bro your the definition of hopeless", Ricky groaned taking a sip of his milkshake. "How is this hopeless!?", Hao whined tearing his eyes from the computer to his best friend Ricky ."You just wrote a  12 thousand essay about two guys falling in love" Matthew chimed in taking a bite of his cookie "And they fell in love in the most ridiculous way!". "I knew having hopeless romantics as friends would bite  me in the butt one day ", Matthew sighed slumping in his chair. "I think it's time I switch sides ", Ricky groaned ignoring his vibrating phone . "Shut up and answer your damn phone", Hao rolled his eyes "It's annoying ".

"The only thing truly annoying here is that fanfiction of yours ", Ricky clapped back "Ohhh security" Matthew perked up "You shouldn't be speaking when your love life is currently a fanfiction like really? how common is it to be in a fake relationship with the guy who ghosted you for 8 years news flash this dude used to be under our company ", Hao retorted "Ohhh dayum" Matthew commented eyes drifting to Ricky " If I shouldn't speak you should too keep quiet for once cause how common is it to fall in love with a-"

The blond was interrupted by his ringtone .Glaring at Zhang Hao Ricky looked at his screen and saw 30 messages from Gyuvin and 1 missed call ."I bet it's his lover boy", Hao scoffed . Ricky didn't refute Hao's words nor correct him ."What the hell is wrong with him ".

"What the hell is wrong with him "

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Hope you enjoyed!!!!!❤

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