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I'm your guide Mrs Lee welcome to

Gunwook looked around nervously as he, Ricky and Gyuvin followed Mrs. Lee across the lobby towards the elevators. As they walked, people looked up as they passed and Ricky recognised many of them as fellow workers.

"I think they're starting to recognise me," he whispered to Gunwook. "The disguise might not be working as well as I hoped."

Gunwook nodded nervously, his eyes darting around and looking for any signs of suspicion.

"Well if you follow me I will be able to do my job I was assigned to do ", Mrs Lee coughed turning around and walking away expecting the boys to follow her which they did.

Mrs. Lee gave the trio a tour of the building, showing them the various offices, meeting rooms, and other areas on floors 1 through 3. When they got to the fourth floor, however, she abruptly stopped and said, "These other floors are off limits. Only the executives are allowed to go up there."

Gunwook and Gyuvin exchanged thoughtful looks, knowing that finding information on the restricted floors was critical to their mission.

"We won't be able to look around those levels on our own," Gunwook said, keeping his voice low and careful. "We may need to find some other way to get that information."

"Like what?" Gyuvin asked, looking around the fourth floor nervously. "Do you think we can try talking to one of the executives?"

Gunwook shook his head. "They probably don't have much time to talk, especially not to some new employees they don't know. And we can't risk revealing too much about ourselves either."

"If only we could find some way to sneak around these restricted floors," Gyuvin said, thinking quickly. "If we could find some way to explore them without being seen, then we'd be able to look for any leads or clues we could use."

Gunwook looked around, trying to think of something they could do to access those levels of the building. But he was at a loss for ideas. They had limited time and resources, and the stakes were high. He had to find a way to sneak around and explore the restricted areas...

"Stop the mumbling and let's continue to your floor where you will be working ", Mrs Lee groaned pressing a button to call for an elevator .


As the elevator arrived Mrs. Lee looked at the trio and nodded, gesturing for them to follow her. When the group arrived to their floor Mrs Lee led them to her office.

Mrs. Lee stepped inside and the trio quickly followed her in. As they passed her desk, Ricky noticed a stack of papers on it with the words "Executive Meeting Notes" written on the top sheet.

"This is my office," Mrs. Lee told them, gesturing to the various chairs and desks scattered around the room.

"You can wait here for further instructions I will be back ."

The trio glanced at each other, wondering what to do next. Ricky was still fixated on the notes on Mrs. Lee's desk, and he couldn't help but think what information they held. Something told him that they would turn out to be important.

"We should get started," Gunwook whispered, his eyes darting to Ricky before he turned back to Mrs. Lee.

As Mrs. Lee left the office, Ricky felt a sense of relief wash over him. She had been a constant, looming presence in their investigations so far, and he was glad to have the space and opportunity to try and figure out what they could do next.

But soon, his relief turned to confusion as people start start crowding the trio, one of them instantly recognising Ricky as a famous K-pop idol. shoot...

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