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"PARK JAEHYUN!? You can't be serious! He's one of the most powerful people in South Korea! And you want me to spy on him!?"  
"Yes, that's correct," Hanbin replied calmly. "I need to know everything I can about him. Anything he does or says, anything suspicious or unsavory, any potential weaknesses or information we can use against him."

"This is crazy!" Gunwook exclaimed. "I can't just go around spying on the chief editor of a major media company! We could get in big trouble! We could all go to jail if we're caught!"  

"Where did Hanbin get him?", Gyuvin whispered in Ricky's ear inciting a playful punch from the man and a weak glare "Not everyone is corrupt like you Qyubin"."Yah!"

"We won't get caught," Hanbin said calmly. "You just need to keep your eyes and ears open for anything that you can report back to me."  
Gyuvin stepped in. "Hanbin hyung, are you sure we're doing the right thing? Spying on someone like Park Jae Hyun... does seem too risky."

Hanbin took a deep breath and looked at Gunwook and Gyuvin.  
"I know it might seem risky, but we don't have much time left," Hanbin said calmly. "We need to do everything we can to gather information and find a way to stop someone like Park Jae Hyun."  
"But he's so powerful!" Gunwook exclaimed. "What are we supposed to do if we find something out? How can we stop him?"  
"I'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Hanbin replied.

"Hanbin hyung, this seems too crazy," Gunwook finally said.  
"I know it's risky, but we need to do something. We can't just sit back and watch someone like Park Jae Hyun destroy lives," Hanbin replied. "I don't have a plan ready yet, but I'll keep working on it. In the meantime, I need you guys to help me gather information."  
They nodded, their expressions wary.

"Okay, fine, I'll do it," Gunwook said finally, reluctantly.

"Did he come here without knowing what's going on?",Gyuvin once again whispered casting Gunwook a side glance ."Yah stop being rude". "I'm not dude is probably a cop or something I mean look at that stance and that body ". Ricky raised his brow at this comment "You stare at people's bodies? damn Kim Qyubin". "Yah Ricky I don't mean it like that ". "Mkay sure ", Ricky smiled teasingly

Hanbin groaned at their antics kicking Gyuvin underneath the table incting a groan from Gyuvin, a snicker from Ricky and a  gasp from Gunwook

"Be careful and watch your backs. Park Jae Hyun is dangerous, and if he finds out you guys are snooping around, he could destroy your lives," Hanbin warned. "I need to know everything you can give me, don't hold anything back. I don't care if you have to eavesdrop or steal documents; I need to know everything."

"Understood," Gunwook and Gyuvin replied in unison, their expressions shifting to a more steely expression .  
Hearing Hanbin's warning, they knew what they were getting themselves into. They would have to be extra careful when gathering information. And if they did find something that could be used against Park Jae Hyun, they would have to figure out a way to use it without putting themselves in danger.  
They exchanged a look, and Gunwook gave Hanbin a firm nod. They were on the case."I'm guessing that's it hyung?", Gyuvin grinned standing up "Not like you would like care just go Gyuvin ", Hanbin rolled his eyes stuffing a piece of chicken in his mouth ."Goodbye hyung!", Gyuvin chuckled dragging Ricky out with him .

As Ricky and Gyuvin left the restaurant, Ricky couldn't help but think about what Hanbin had told them. Park Jae Hyun, one of the biggest players in the media industry... and they were supposed to spy on him? Had he been the one to tarnish Ricky's reputation?
"Do you think this is such a good idea?" Ricky asked Gyuvin. "Spying on someone like that... I mean, we could get in trouble! We could all get in trouble! And for what? So Hanbin can play his secret games?"

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