𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈

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Seoul, South Korea, San's penthouse, 09:30 am, July 1st, 2023

When Wooyoung woke up the next morning he was alone in bed. Well, somewhat.

There was a cat laying down on San's pillow, cutely snuggled into a ball. Wooyoung recognized her as Byeol, San's cat familiar that was given to him when she was still a kitten.

San's side was empty, the sheets messy and cold. It meant San had been gone for a while. Sitting up Wooyoung looked around the room before he got up from the bed, wincing at how sore he felt from last night's events. He somewhat dragged himself to the bathroom where he took a long and nice shower before drying himself off and slipping on a robe that smelt like San.

"Byeol-ah," He cooed softly as he exited the bathroom, watching the cat's ears twitch as she woke up from her sleep. She meowed softly as Wooyoung petted her, placing a kiss on her tiny head before he left the bedroom, the cat following after him with light steps.

Just as he was about to enter the kitchen, the elevator rang in the hallway. Yes, San had an elevator in his penthouse. It made it easier to go between the multiple floors.

The doors slid open to reveal San, dressed in a three piece suit that was torn and bloodied. There was blood on his temple and neck and his bottom lip was bleeding.

Concerned, the younger fox walked forward and pulled him into a hug, letting the older male lean his weight onto him. Knowing San wouldn't speak unless he wanted to, Wooyoung just pulled him towards his bedroom and into the bathroom where he helped him strip off the bloody clothing and somewhat shove him in the shower.

Wooyoung placed a soft peck on his cheek and nuzzled their noses together. "I'll wait for you in the kitchen, okay? I'm gonna cook some food and we're gonna eat, okay?"

San nodded with a blank expression on his face. Wooyoung smiled softly. "Take your time, Sannie."

Closing the door behind himself, Wooyoung took the bloody clothes and dropped them into a clinical waste bag he found under the kitchen's sink. He dumped them in the proper area and returned to the kitchen, deciding to cook something fast.

San came into the kitchen almost an hour later, a robe clad on his body. Wooyoung smiled softly and pulled him into a tight hug, patting his head gently.

"You don't have to tell me now." Wooyoung said, swaying them side to side. "Whenever you want."

San nodded and just nuzzled into his neck, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder that got exposed because the robe slipped off. "Young-ah,"


"Aren't you scared that I got home bloodied?"

"You're not bleeding nor dying from a wound so no. I'm just gonna assume that something happened and that you're going to tell me when you're ready to."

It's the best thing Wooyoung could do for now. Wait for San to speak up, not force him.

With a small smile, San pressed their foreheads together, their eyes slipping close on instinct. This seemed a habit both of them shared when comforting someone.

"Come on, let's eat while it's still warm." Wooyoung pulled away from the hug and pressed a peck to San's nose before they sat down at the kitchen island and began to eat.

"Hwa-hyung called me last night after we went to bed." San said after a few minutes had passed.

"What for?" Wooyoung asked.

"He went back to the crime scene because he felt something was off. He found a white card on the ground where the body was."

Wooyoung nodded. "What did the card say?"

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