Πρόλογος (Prologue)

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Ancient Greece
where two must survive
in order for Life and Death
to continue to thrive.

One sparks lives.
The other ends them.
Together they merge
to end wrathful fate.

One will witness
the other's suffering
until the other realizes
their mistaken reasoning.

Their vows may overrule all,
yet only Life and Death
will understand all.

    These were the exact words we all heard. A warning. I wanted to ignore my ears.

Could they be Life and Death, as the message says?

It must mean something. All of us heard this. We knew a great war or enemy may appear at any given moment. Everyone wore different expressions. Some nonchalant, some concerned, yet most were terrified. I was with the terrified group, knowing that there are now twenty-eight of us, it could be anyone she talked about.

As night approached for the goddess of the moon, most went for their slumber. Some were still  worried while only four decided to stay up for lookout.

I strolled into my bed, pondering on its meaning. Over and over the words appeared in my head. Life and Death. Life and Death. Life and Death...sparks lives, sparks lives...ends them. I could not figure out who they could mean. Which god or goddess? We needed answers. Even he must be thinking of this. Slowly but surely, I had a splitting headache. No concentration. It was ambiguous. Many gods caused deserved deaths, but which one would they specify? Who created lives? Is it even us? Them? Who, who, who?!

Night passed ever so slow. No noise so far, not even the crickets could believe what she said yesterday. I couldn't sleep. My eyes felt dry. Dry as they never been. I glanced to my left to the other bed. He was still asleep, facing towards me. At least he was breathing. A lucky night for him, I guess, or else we'd stay up figuring it all out.

I decided to embark my own little problem, one that I surely believed will not disappoint. I rolled ever so slightly out, my feet feeling the ground before my body came upright. I stood straight and took a deep breathe.

I lead myself forward, to the right, then forward to the grandiose wooden bookshelf. There were numerous titles he and I found and needed to cover for the current school year. Guide to Shakespeare, Intro to Biology & Chemistry 101, Piano Notes, Computations & Computing. Observing the books, there was one that I procured ever since the beginning of high school. I grabbed it and read the front cover: Myths and Origins of Greek Mythology. If only there was an answer, this was the one to guide me. I turned the cover over, using my hand to flip briskly through each page.

Chapter 4: Kronos and Rhea, 4.1-The Three Sisters, Chapter 5: Gods & Goddesses. These were the very sections I needed. I scrolled through every little letter and word as it only slipped through my brain. In one section, there were six siblings and a family tree. However, the closer I examined over and over through each one, I solved it.

The two that arrived last week.

There was something wrong. Maybe even dangerous. I should have known. One of them so close. I did not want to lose either of them. Immediately, I closed the book. Behind me, he subtly opened his eyes. He lifted himself up, regarding me with firm concentration.

"What are you doing up so late?"

"We need to talk. Before they..." my words trailed off.

"You know something, do you?" he questioned warily. "What are you up to?"

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